The Stranger

The purpose of this assignment is for students to practice research skills and gain an understanding of the historical context of Albert Camus' novel.

The Assignment / Requirements

  1. You and your partner will need to do some basic research on your topic...this means accessing a reliable source, taking notes, and keeping track of your sources in MLA format.
  2. You will need to be able to answer your research question and be prepared to explain the answer to your classmates.
  3. Create an 8 1/2 x 11 poster with a title, a picture/image, and the answer to your research question/s with at least two parenthetical citations where appropriate.
  4. Attach a works cited page and bibliography if needed.
  5. Present your poster / information to the class.

Grading Criteria (Total Points Available = 50)

10 Points - Small poster is neat with a clear title, an image that makes sense, and few to no errors. The project follows directions and the model.

5 Points - All information is accurate.

10 Points - Explanation includes enough of your own words to demonstrate understanding of your topic. The write-up is clear and well-organized.

10 Points - All borrowed words, phrases and ideas are credited appropriately with parenthetical citations in correct MLA format.

Borrowed ideas and phrases are integrated grammatically. **At least two quotations or paraphrases are integrated into the response.

10 Points - There is a works cited page that is formatted correctly and corresponds with the parenthetical citations.

Sources are academic and reliable - with use of at lease one database source.

5 Points - The project was completed and presented on time, presentation was well-prepared and clear.


Algeria: Geography and Demographics

  • Questions: Where is Algeria? What were the population demographics in 1940? What are the current population demographics? (Demographics means race/religion/ethnicity)

Religion in Algeria / Arabic Expansion

  • Question: How did Islam become the dominant religion in Algeria?

Ottoman Influence in Algeria

  • Question: What was the Ottoman Empire and how did it affect Algeria?

French Colonization

  • Question: How did French colonization affect Algeria and the people of Algeria?

Culture Clashes

  • Question: What was the relationship between the French and the native Algerians in the 1930's and 1940's?

Algerian Judicial System

  • Question: What was the French system of justice in Algeria in the 1930's and 1940's? (What was the system dealing with crime and punishment?)


Additional Resource:

Existentialism from Crash Course: Philosophy (15 minute video)

"Existentialism" from DISCovering Authors

"Existentialism in Literature: 1930-1950" from Historic World Events

"Existentialism" from the Dictionary of American History

"Existentialism" from Gale Resources for Students