The Stranger Research Paper

Assignment: The research requirement for Grade 12 English is a researched persuasive paper in connection to a work of literature. You may choose a topic from the list below, modify a topic suggestion from the list, or generate your own topic for research. The only topic requirement is that you use The Stranger by Albert Camus as your main text for analysis. The end-product will incorporate research and/or criticism to make a persuasive point about the novel. The final paper must include proper MLA documentation for all borrowed words, phrases and ideas.

Step 1: Choose a topic – and do some initial research – make sure there are enough reliable sources out there. Develop an essential question to guide your research and get your question approved (you will likely have a hypothesis at this point but don’t let that stop you from learning).

Step 2: Access reliable sources and take good notes – keep track of all sources in MLA format and print/photo copy all materials. Decide on a thesis statement for your paper and organize your information/ideas in an outline.

Step 3: Compose a first draft, edit, and revise.

Step 4: Turn in a final MLA formatted 8-10 page research paper with all research notes. **The reference pages are not part of the 8-10 page requirement. You are writing a thematic analysis of the novel. You will focus on one topic which may require some research (think about what Albert Camus was trying to say about your topic).

Here are some topic suggestions:

  • The judicial system in Algeria/ Crime and punishment
  • Race relations/ French Nationalism
  • The effects of colonization on a society
  • Philosophy: Existentialism/ Absurdist philosophies
  • Religion – Christianity
  • Conformity/ Traditional Expectations of Society
  • Albert Camus
  • Come up with your own research topic

Below are some topics with possible research questions:

Topic: Racism

What is Albert Camus’s commentary on racism, and how is his perspective developed throughout the novel?

Topic: Religion

Based on Meursault’s character, what might be Albert Camus’s view on Christianity?

Topic: Existentialism

How is the philosophy of Existentialism incorporated into the novel?

Topic: Societal Expectations

What is Albert Camus’s commentary on traditional roles and expectations in society, and how is his point of view developed throughout the novel?

Topic: Literary Analysis

In what ways do the minor characters contribute to the larger, thematic purpose of Camus’s novel?

Topic: Literary Analysis/ Author Research

What aspects of Meursault’s character represent the views of the author?

Schedule and Grading

Step 1 - 30 Points - Follows format of sample: essential question; a brainstorm that illustrates depth of thought.

Step 2 - 100 Points - Outline, notes, and annotated working bibliography. Sample and rubric will be distributed.

Step 3 - 50 Points - First Draft + Peer editing (6 page min.) Sample of Step 3

Step 4 - 220 Points - A folder that contains: Your MLA formatted 8-10 page research paper with all previous steps and annotated articles.

Total: 400 Points

***Any form of deliberate plagiarism will result in loss of credit on all parts of this assignment in addition to administrative action.



  • "Algeria" from Countries and Their Cultures
  • "Algeria" from the Encyclopedia Judaica
  • "Algeria" from the Encyclopedia of Western Colonialism
  • "Algeria" from Africa: An Encyclopedia for Students
  • "Algeria" from the Worldmark Encyclopedia of Nations
  • "Algeria" from the Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa
  • "Colons" (French colonial settlers in Algeria) from the Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa
  • "Algeria" from the CIA World Factbook
  • Algeria: A Country Study (US gov't publication)


  • Race from the International Encyclopedia of Social Science
  • Racism from the International Encyclopedia of Social Science
  • Racial Inequality from the International Encyclopedia of Social Science



Societal Expectations:

  • Norms from the International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
  • Conformity from the Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology
  • Conformity from the International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
  • Social Influence from the Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology
  • Deviance from the International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences
  • Assimilation from the International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences

Justice System

Literary Criticisms:

Author Research: