AP Microeconomics Summer Assignment 2018

If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at: ahennessey@cpsge.org.

I look forward to having all of you in class next year.

This summer, all students taking AP Economics will:

  1. Read Chapter 1 of Mankiw’s Principals of Economics. Access Chapter 1 via your school Google Drive. Learn the vocabulary terms from Chapter 1; possibly using Quizlet.
  2. Begin reading The New York Times or the print copy available at the Chicopee Public Library.
  3. When we return to school, you will be asked to write about what you’ve read about over the summer and how you’ve integrated the assignments. If you do the work, this will be excessively easy!
  4. Consider buying a (used) textbook from Amazon (also available in an expanded hardcover).
  5. Watch a few of the following movies/films/documentaries - see below. Watch each film like an economist - how do they relate to the economy (yes, greed does relate).


Most of the movies are available though the Chicopee Public Library. Sign up for a free card anytime. Borrow their materials, or go online to request something from another library—it will be sent to Chicopee (or another library of your choosing) in a few days, for free. You will be emailed or texted when it is available for pickup.

Arbitrage [movie]

Boiler Room [movie]

Capitalism: A Love Story [documentary]

A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash [documentary]

Enron: the Smartest Guys in the Room [documentary]

Food Inc. [documentary]

Inside Job [movie]

Inside the Meltdown [documentary]

Koch Brothers Exposed [documentary]

Margin Call [movie]

Michael Clayton [movie]

Moneyball [movie]

Syriana [movie]

The Big Short [movie]

The Company Men [movie]

The Wolf of Wall Street [movie]

Too Big to Fail [documentary]

Trading Places [movie]