Modern Conflict

Task: Using Google Slides teach the class about a modern crisis. Be sure to answer the following questions:

  • Why is the conflict happening? (Trace the root causes back to WWI or WWII)
  • What impact has this conflict had on the people who live in that country or region?
  • What does your group believe we should do about the conflict?

You will work in groups of 3.

This presentation should last 20-25 minutes.

As you structure your presentation please follow this agenda:


  • Grab their attention. (Why should your audience care?)
  • Tell them what you plan on discussing.


  • Present your Google Slides.
  • All three people must present. See “goals.”

Group Lead Discussion

  • Check to see if your audience “gets it.”
  • Lead a 5-10 minute discussion (Prepare Talking Points/Questions)

*When you’re done your group will reflect on the discussion and whether the class understood: why the crisis is happening/the impact it has had on those that live in that country or region/what should be done about it. You will each write a paragraph summarizing three things your group could do differently to improve your presentation.

Topic Options:

  • Israel/Palestine Conflict (Zionism, West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza, PLO, Hamas, 1 state/2 state solutions)
  • Cuba (Fidel Castro, Communism, and the Bay of Pigs)
  • Iran (Shiite, Sunni, The Shah, Ayatollah Khomeni, Iraq-Iran War)
  • Guatemala (Jacobo Arbenz)
  • Al Qaeda (Soviet Afghan War, rise of the Mujahadeen, Osama Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia)
  • Egypt (Suez Crisis, Six Day War, Yom Kippur War, Revolution of 2011)
  • Iraq (Iraq-Iran War, Rise of Sadaam Hussein, Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom)
  • Syria Refugee Crisis (Bashar al-Assad, Arab Spring, Refugees)
  • ISIS/ISIL (U.S. Invasion of Iraq 2003, 2007 Surge, Arab Spring)

*You must use three books/online journals (not including your text book)

You must provide the teacher with your discussion questions a week before your presentation. You must also write out the answers you're hoping to get.


  • Create an annotated bibliography with 10-20 resources you plan to use for your project
  • Create a visual diagram that depicts the conflict and the causes and effects
  • Explain the necessary background to understand the conflict you selected
  • Explain the role the United States played in this event
  • Discuss the ramifications of U.S. involvement and the current state of that nation/region
  • Develop presentation/public speaking skills
  • Develop a greater understanding of current conflicts around the world

  • You must submit an MLA formatted bibliography.
  • The presentation should last 10-20 minutes.
  • These projects should be high in quality, visually entertaining, and you should include some kind of audio or video (4 minutes max).
  • It should also be written so that a person who has not done the research that you have will know what you are talking about.
  • Make sure you check the rubric so that you can maximize your points.

Suggested Steps:

Step 1 (term 2):

  • Start a project folder with your group in Google Drive
  • Go home and read basic information about your topic for 30-60 minutes.
  • Check the textbook for information as well.
  • Go online and get a basic understanding of the event.
  • Create a list of keywords that will help you find additional information.
  • Go to the library and check out books on the topic and country.

Step 2 (term 2):

Step 3 (term 3):

  • Map out the story of this conflict from your background research. Make this visual. Illustrate clear connections to WWI and WWII.
  • Delegate different sections of the research to the members of your group. They should become experts on this portion of your country’s history.
  • Discuss with your group how you think you should teach this story to the class. Brainstorm those methods other teachers use that you find particularly effective and have a general plan regarding how you will present your topic.

Step 4 (term 3):

  • Create discussion questions about the most important ideas you discussed. Have the students in the class answer the question in small groups and then share out those discussions as a class.

Step 5 (term 3):

  • Write reflection paragraphs about how your group can improve moving forward.

Articles to Get Started

Israel/Palestine Conflict (Zionism, West Bank, Jerusalem, Gaza, PLO, Hamas, 1 state/2 state solutions)

Cuba (Fidel Castro, Communism, and the Bay of Pigs)

Iran (Shiite, Sunni, The Shah, Ayatollah Khomeni, Iraq-Iran War)

  • Iranian Revolution from NYT Upfront
  • Iran from Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa
  • Iran [1925-1979] from The Encyclopedia of Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity
  • Iranian Revolution from the Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa
  • Islamic Republic of Iran [post 1979] from Encyclopedia of Islam and the Muslim World
  • Iran-Iraq War from Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa
  • Iran from History Behind the Headlines: The Origins of Conflicts Worldwide

Guatemala (Jacobo Arbenz)

Al Qaeda (Soviet Afghan War, rise of the Mujahadeen, Osama Bin Laden, Saudi Arabia)

Egypt (Suez Crisis, Six Day War, Yom Kippur War, Revolution of 2011)

Iraq (Iraq-Iran War, Rise of Sadaam Hussein, Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom)

Syria Refugee Crisis (Bashar al-Assad, Arab Spring, Refugees)

ISIS/ISIL (U.S. Invasion of Iraq 2003, 2007 Surge, Arab Spring)

Cold War