Professional Databases

Educator's Reference Complete

Includes full-text access to over 1100 education-related periodicals as well as US Department of Education reports. Includes full-text articles for approximately half of the material in ERIC (see below). Titles include American Journal of Health Education, Science Teacher, What Works in K-12 Online Learning, History of Education Review, Counseling & Human Development, and Journal of Education Research. All articles include formatted citations.

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ERIC - Educational Resources Information Center

Sponsored by the United Stated Department of Education, the ERIC database includes citations for over 1.4 million education-related articles, and sometimes offers full-text access. ERIC also indexes reports, policies and research from government sources, as well as other professional organizations. Material from pre-2004 is likely to be available in full-text, but newer material is not. All articles include full citations to allow you to find the full-text elsewhere.

Information Science and Library Collection

Includes access to over 200 full-text library and information science journals and periodicals. Titles include Bookseller, Computers in Libraries, Horn Book Magazine, Information Today, Journal of Database Management, Library Trends, Teacher Librarian and Wired. All articles include formatted citations.

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Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts

Provides indexed access to 700 library and information science journals, with abstracts (not full text). Also includes research, proceedings and book results. Titles include American Libraries, American Archivist, Information & Organization, Reference & User Services Quarterly, Library Journal and Teacher Librarian. All abstracts include citations.

NovelList CHICOPEE clic

This unique resource helps connect readers and books. Find information about similar authors, reading lists by subject, book club discussion guides, and more. With over 300,000 books included, it's easy to find a great one.

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