
Research Topics

Research question formulations

Describing and exploring

Explaining and testing

Evaluating and acting


Mari   1

Isa C   2

Jam 3

Val 4

Does money buy happiness? 

Why are people depressed? 

Why is depression so common today? 

Why is it hard for people who are depressed to ask for help? 

What causes depression? 

How does social media contribute to depression? 

Should schools do more to help kids with depression? 

What shoud parents do to help their kids with depression? 

What does the path to healing from depression look like? What is the best road to healing? 

Are girls more affected by depression than boys? 


Jul 5

Jen 6

Mer 7

And 8

Why is country ___ at war with country ___? 

Is it possible to stop wars in a global economy or are wars becoming more common? 

How does war affect the civilians who live in that country?
How long is the war Israel is waging againt the Palestinians going to last? 

Why doesn't Israel cease fire after the majority of the UN voted for it? 

What did the Palestinians in Gaza do to deserve their massacre by Israel?

Are there any positive outcomes to war? 



Vin 9

As M 10

Sil 11

Kev 12

What are some root causes of poverty? 

Why don't homeless or poor people go out and find a job? 

Why don't homeless peaple seek help from a shelter, friends or family? 

Sources for Information 

Right to Choose

Ash C 13

Why is the government taking women's reproductive rights away? 

Why is abortion so triggering for some people? 

Why do some people think it's necessary to limit women's right to choose? 


Jos F 14

Liz 15

Lu Ef 16

Em 17

What are the people doing to become homeless?

How is the Government helping homeless people better themselves?

Animal Rights

Sources for Information 

Domestic Issues/Violence

Yan 19

At 20

Xi Nd 21

Em 22

Is 23

What are the main causes of domestic violence? 

What percentage of people under 18 experience or witness DV? 

What factors increase the likelihood of DV? 

How can we stop DV? 

Is it human nature for people to be violent? 

How can you stop someone from being abusive when you are in an abusive relationship? 

Is there any help for someone in an abusive relationship that wants to reach out? 

Is there a successful hotline that has been helpful and easily accessible to victims? 

Is there any way to help an abuser "mentally"?

How common is DV in the United States? 

What is the impact of DV on families? Children? Individuals? 

Drug Addiction

She 24

How does drug addiction affect friends and families? 

How is drug addiction getting spread? 

How can we prevent drug addiction for future generations or our peers? 

Should students be tested for drugs? 

Should DCFS be called every time there is a drug related problem in the home? 

Should we teach young people about DUIs. 

Why is marijuana legal? 

What is the age group of most addicts? 

How can schools prevent addiction? 

Is drug addiction caused by depression? 

How do drugs affect the brain? 

Climate Change

Don 25

Is M 26

Alo 27

What can we do to help heal the planent?

Does recylcling help reverse climate change? 

What is the most effective way to share information on the topic of climate change? 

Do animal deaths affect the food chain and ultimately people? 

Given the track climate change is on, what will the world look like in 100 years? 

Why do so many companies ignore climate change? 

Sources for Information