Should immigrants have the same opportunity as U.S. citizens?

"We are America Speaking different tongues, we nevertheless meet here today as brothers…Henceforth we have one country, one hope, one destiny.”

Justice Nathaniel Bennett

Homeless Immigrants

The immigrants shown above sleep in sleeping bags in what looks like a convention center because they do not have a space to live in. Some states provide these centers for the immigrants, so they don't have to sleep out on the streets.

Immigrants with Children

The women above is handling her both kids solo. Imagine the hustle she has to go through a daily basis so that her children will have a meal.

Immigrants at the Border

These immigrants are probably looking for a better future for their future generations in family. These people strive to go out there way for a better future to have more to give.

Summary of the Problem:

The controversy of immigrants and U.S. citizens has caught many peoples attention. These diverse opinions cause affliction between and create multiple various opinions. Within these opinions are people who are for or against helping immigrants. People who are against immigrants arrival upon the country feel very strongly about it.

More Informational Articles:

The latest news about Biden's administration's immigration policy.

Information and whereabouts about immigrant families and services.

Credible stories about real life immigrants.

Main Topics:

1.) Opinion on immigrants

2.) Number of immigrants who cross 

3.) Amount of people who received asylum & residency

4.) Immigration process

5.) Political view on immigrants 

Counter Argument:

Many people, mostly whom support the Republican party, conclude of immigrants causing a negative impact towards the country within their encounter of crossing the border. Vast majority of these people do not realize there are also effectful motions towards this motive as well. 

Results of your survey:

94% of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that undocumented immigrants should have the same opportunity as U.S. citizens, the other 6% disagreed.  Vast majority of the students agreed and their responses correlate with one another.

Interview Summary:

Victoria Mendez, Grade 11, said, "Some immigrants want a better future for their families; a chance to grow. If they are willing to work hard, they should be given good opportunities as well." Generally, she said, "Immigrants move to the U.S. for various reasons, contributing to its diversity and economy. U.S. citizens have legal rights and responsibilities within the country. Both groups play an important role in American society." Victoria is a daughter of an immigrant; her mother came to America for a better life. She has worked hard to get to where she is right now as she provides for her, and her family's needs.

Your personal opinion:

I personally believe that everyone should have the opportunity and accessibility to the same lifestyle of life. There should be no indifference between us people. We should support one another and become better people as a whole. Overall, we all want what's best in life.

Immigrants vs U.S. Citizens

There are many controversial thoughts about immigrants being in the United States illegally. Many people have strong feelings towards one or another but, in reality, at the end of the day we are all human beings trying to oppress a future in life. The controversy about if immigrants should receive the same opportunity as U.S. citizens has caught my attention and such be spoken upon. Many poor families come to the United States to provide for themselves and their families needs; a better future for their future generations and all. They want their kids to have a better life than they did growing up and for this they come here to work for it. And for this fact I believe that they should be given the liberty to establish upon this country and start a well being future for the better of all.

Various people, mostly people who support the Republican party, are not in favor of the oppression that immigrants should be here and even come forward to a better lifestyle for themselves. The party who is most likely supportive towards these groups of people is the Democratic party. These people are more diverse as well as more open minded people. There are constant rumors about these immigrants and their staying here. The current president, Joe Biden, Democratic, is in favor of supporting these families. He quotes “I will not separate families”, he recently opened up the border for these people to be able to cross over. This defines his statement and allegations towards immigrants. People are fierce and angry over the fact the country has become overpopulated, especially states with big cities. People who live in big cities can most likely be affected by this pressure. Immigrants come here to work, as they come to seek for employment, it might take away originated U.S. citizens employment opportunities. 

It has been said that immigration is a diverse issue but, most Americans can agree on certain points. These Americans have precise beliefs on immigrants. Many of these people believe that immigrants should have a pathway to citizenship if only they come to be an essential worker and have been crossed over at a young age. Michel Martin, Host, has spoken about the issue and says, “A majority of Americans support a pathway to citizenship for certain groups of immigrants, including farmworkers, those deemed as essential workers.” Given this man's point of view, people are for immigrants to have an eligible help access only if they apport towards their job wayfair. Another view on immigrants says, “28% of respondents cited immigration as the top issue facing the country, up from 20% who said the same a month ago. More than those surveyed in the February poll said that ‘large numbers of immigrants entering the United States illegally’ is a critical threat to the U.S. vital interests." The opinion above being said, are against these people coming into the country. These people are only looking at the impact towards one way, if you look at it in a positive factor, you can see both sides will be benefited towards this correlation.

Some people aren't in favor of this but yet, people are still crossing. In an article named “How to fix America’s immigration crisis” it quotes, “Between October 2022 and September 2023, there were 3.1 million attempted crossings along the U.S. southern border.” Despite the conflicts that may have been said, immigrants are still making an attempt within to cross and find a better life opportunity to live. Along with these crossings, precise people managed to get passed within their departure. Another quote from this article says, “Of that, an estimated 600,000 migrants were able to cross the border undetected, according to the Department of Homeland Security.” People whom cross the border are not always as lucky but these are few crowds of people who managed to get in.

Designated people may be lucky enough to even receive help within their arrival. In an article it determines, “Roughly about 300,000 migrants were given humanitarian parole at the border and allowed to the United States - a status available to migrants from a handful of countries such as Venezuela and Nicaragua.”  It is known that some of these people come to the U.S. because of government political issues where they live and or it may be a rougher to outlive the life that is given. Coming to the United States gives them leverage away from those problems where they originally are from. According to the article from above it says, “Of the nearly two million migrants who were processed under Title 8 last year, just 2,700 were granted relief in the form of asylum and other paths towards permanent residency.” To the people who were predigest and received this type of help, made it easier upon their settling and somewhat easier to restart their life here.

Within all these factors come countersayings despising the thoughts of others and making declarations. The political view on immigrants is not so well. Vast majority of the Republicans believe that these immigrants are the problem. “Fifty-seven percent of Republicans surveyed selected immigration as the top issue, an increase from 37 percent in January. There was a small increase in the percentage of independents who selected immigration, and no meaningful change in the percentage of Democrats who did so.” Republicans dislike the fact that immigrants are able to cross the border freely with our president that we have. And for this they believe President Biden has a “weak” handling towards this matter. In the article “Migrants are showing up at the U.S. southern border in historic numbers, here's why” it plots out, “Republicans have said because of Biden's administration’s weak immigration policies. The government has said it's a symptom of the unprecedented displacement of people worldwide.” The Republican party is against Biden and doesn't want him in towards this certain matter. President Joe Biden quotes, “We can't stop people from making the journey, but we can require them to come here, and they — that they come here in an orderly way under U.S. law." The Republicans are against this but it is only fair for these people. 

In conclusion, immigrants should be able to have the same accessibility as U.S. citizens to their pathway of opportunity. As it is beneficial to us, it is to them as well. People nowadays in society need to come into realization and accept that people want what's best for them and their future, they deserve to give themselves that pleasure. Being more mindful of the actions and thrives for each and every person is in fact under the statement of suppressing and fulfilling life.


Garrity, Kelly “Americans say immigration most important national issue for the first time in Gallup Poll” Politico 27 February 2024, Americans say immigration most important national issue for first time since 2019 in Gallup poll - POLITICO Accessed 01 March 2024.

Garsad, Jasmine “Migrants are showing up at the U.S. southern border in historic numbers, here’s why.” NPR 12 November 2023, Migrants at the U.S. southern border show up in historic numbers. Here's why : NPR Accessed 01 March 2024.

Krebs, Eric “How to fix America’s immigration crisis” The New York Times 09 January 2024, Opinion | How to Fix America’s Immigration Crisis - The New York Times ( Accessed 01 March 2024.

Rose, Jose “Immigration is a divisive issue, but most Americans agree on certain points” NPR 25 September 2022, Immigration is a divisive issue, but most Americans agree on certain points : NPR Accessed 01 March 2024.

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