Should the U.S be spending 800 billion per year on its military?

The one of the main reasons why nobody has gone to war against the U.S is because nobody wants to fight somebody stronger than them.

A lot of people say that we should be using the money towards health care but that may put us behind and eventually with an outdated military because other countries aren't gonna wait for us to catch up 


keeping a strong and functioning militay allows us to not worry as much for a war because in most countries, their military is not fully functioning and that's mostly the countries that don't focus on it much

if we don't keep a strong military and do end up going to war with for example Russia, then we'll be in a state of lacking power and are gonna start drafting people into war

Summary of the problem

People are saying that the U.S is spending too much money on their military and that they should start cutting the National Defense budget and put it towards helping the people or into medical care . But they don't realize that the budget on medical  are is almost the same of the National defense budget.

this goes on to explain why having a weak military can can on a country 

With the U.S. having more allies, they keep other countries safe as well as themselves 

this video shows why the budget can't be cut because of how important the military is to us and for other countries

Main Topics 

1 The purpose of a strong military

2 What are the concequences of not having one 

3 Helps keep the peace in the U.S

4 dosen't bring civilians into war

5 what are the benefits of having a huge budget 

Counter Argument

   Some people may say that doing this much spending yearly on the military is putting the country in even more National debt because the budget on the u.s around 789 billion back in 2019, but now that same budget, in reality is over 1 trillion. So because the debt keeps increasing everyday people want the National defense budget to be cut(How Military Spending Affects the Economy). As time goes on, new military tech is gonna be made and is gonna be more expensive than the last batch of models, nobody is using a battle plane from WWll anymore because they are outdated by almost 100 years because of how technology has advanced, now most countries have planes like the lockhead AC-130, a plane that's nicknamed the angel of death because of how destructive it can be when giving airsupport. So to keep up with other enemy countries such as China to not get more stronger than the U.S, the U.S has to be spending the same amount of resources that their doing to keep the peace in the country ( Focusing on Quality Over Quantity in the US Military Budget). 

Results of your survey

out of 50 students who were surveyed, only 5 of them agreed that the U.S should continue spending this much money of the government because we need protection from other countries while the other 45 students all had the same renponse in which that they should cut money from the budget and use it on stuff like medical care.

Interview Summary

During the interviews, a huge majority of the students at Curie High School said that they would like to have some of the National Defense budget be cut and be used for more important stuff like medicare and actually helping the people that live in the U.S., but some did agree that the U.S. budget should stay the same if not should increase if neccesary because we would not be able to defend ourselves should a war began.

Your personal opinion

I think that we should be spending this much on the U.S military because we need protection from other countries that aren't happy with the U.S such as Russia and China 

Title of your paper

   Do you think that the U.S. should be spending 800 billion dollars per year on its military? The U.S. is on average, spending over 800 billion dollars on its military which comes from our tax money. Many people don’t wanna pay their taxes and generally start to get mad at their government and ask what the hell they are doing with THEIR money. But not many people realized on how important it is for the U.S. to be spending mass amounts of money on the military to protect us from constant war threats 

   Ever notice when you go out to eat or buy something from the store or anything in general that your paying for, the price is increased a bit, thats called taxes and everyone has to pay it. Taxes it how the government gets money and build up a budget to use on the U.S.. This budget is divided and given to certain parts that need to be maintained such as hospitals, getting resources from other parts of the world, fixing anything that might need repairing like roads, using it for construction, and almost everything that you see in the U.S is from the citizens tax money. Most the of the budget goes towards Social Security, National defense, Health, Net interest, and Medicare. The National Defense budget is the second highest for very good reason because this allows for the U.S. military to keep up with the latest tech when it comes to weapons such as new aircrafts. Keeping up with the new tech that people discover allows us to stay a strong functioning government and in turn also helps us keep out large threats such China, Russia, and other countries that are also doing the same, to not go to war with us. We’ve seen examples of how when a poor country goes against a country that has more resources, most likely that the country with more resources is gonna win the war. This also just helps the U.S keep its peace in the country so its citizens don’t have to worry about being drafted to war just like how it happened during the Vietnam war, citizens were being drafted because the state of the U.S military was not as strong as how we have it today.

   Having a weak and uncoordinated military is just setting up for disaster. Im sure that everyone knows on what’s going on in Gaza and Israel. In a article, the author states state how Hamas military power is is severely weak and only having an estimate of 30,000 - 40,000 fighters and are only provided a budget of 100 million dollars per year to spend on their military (“What to know about Hamas' military capabilities”). Meanwhile, written by the same author, they stated that Israel have a budget consisting of over 3 billion, while also having support from the U.S while also having a budget of their own being around 20 billion annual(“What to know about Israel's military strength”). Because of the two major differences in budgets and resources, Gaza is not even given a chance to protect themselves from Israel because of how strong their military is.

   Back in the Vietnam war, there was a world draft going around because the U.S was losing power in its military due to how long the war was being carried out, and they ended up losing the war too because of the amount of loses they received when the war was active. In a article the author stated that the U.S had started the war during the 1950s, the U.S. didn’t back out of the war for almost 20 years later( Why the USA lost the war in Vietnam). This is shown again during WWll, due to how big of a threat the U.S was going against, they had to draft more men into the war to make it sufficient to win. In a article, the author stated that they started drafting men into the war because of how unprepared we were for a full scale global war and were starting to feel uneasy about Great Britain’s ability (The Draft and WWII). 

   With the budget that the U.S spends on its own military, its also helping keep the country and the citizens to be kept in peace. Todays National Defense budget helps keep a military advantage over other countries that also have a strong military like China’s. (Department of Defense Releases the President's Fiscal Year 2024 Defense Budget).By having a force that can threaten someone else’s peace, enemy countries will be more hesitant to go to war against the U.S and its allies by the same logic of is that the U.S is too big, and a powerful of a country with their own military power and other countries that they are allied with also are getting support from the U.S such as Japan and South Korea with Japan getting 20 billion and South Korea receiving 13 billion in support (Benefits and Costs Associated with the U.S. Military Presence in Japan and South Korea).

    Some people may say that doing this much spending yearly on the military is putting the country in even more National debt because the budget on the u.s around 789 billion back in 2019, but now that same budget, in reality is over 1 trillion. So because the debt keeps increasing everyday people want the National defense budget to be cut(How Military Spending Affects the Economy). As time goes on, new military tech is gonna be made and is gonna be more expensive than the last batch of models, nobody is using a battle plane from WWll anymore because they are outdated by almost 100 years because of how technology has advanced, now most countries have planes like the lockhead AC-130, a plane thats nicknamed the angel of death because of how destructive it can be when giving airsupport. So to keep up with other enemy countries such as China to not get more stronger than the U.S, the U.S has to be spending the same amount of resources that their doing to keep the peace in the country ( Focusing on Quality Over Quantity in the US Military Budget ). 

   This is why it is very crucial for the U.S. to be spending large amounts of money towards our Defense budget because there are many risks into cutting the budget such as other countries that are just as powerful as the U.S., if the U.S does end up going to war, men are going to start getting drafted due to the lack of man power, ruin the peace that the citizens have, and will ruin the economic output if we cut the budget. The government have to explain why spending over 1 trillion dollars towards National defense is important all of the precautions that can come if they cut the National Defense budget instead of letting people in the dark about it. We spend 600 billion on ourselves while the other 400 billion dollars goes towards our allied countries and some war programs that we have here in the U.S. such as helping war veterans in day to day life.


Beattie, Andrew. “How Military Spending Affects the Economy.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 30 Aug. 2021, 

Office, U.S. Government Accountability. “Burden Sharing: Benefits and Costs Associated with the U.S. Military Presence in Japan and South Korea.” Burden Sharing: Benefits and Costs Associated with the U.S. Military Presence in Japan and South Korea | U.S. GAO, 17 Mar. 2021, 

“Research Starters: The Draft and World War II: The National WWII Museum: New Orleans.” The National WWII Museum | New Orleans, 7 Apr. 2020, 

What to Know about Israel’s Military Strength, 21 Oct. 2023, 
