Should Abortion Be a God Given Right?

"Every year, an estimated 21 million girls aged 15–19 years in developing regions become pregnant and approximately 12 million of them give birth”

Unwanted Pregnancy

Pregnancy is something  that takes a lot of responsibility and some of us aren't ready for that responsibility or simply don't want it, this could lead to more issues such as child neglect which could lead the child to experience a delay of cognitive,motor, and emotional development 

Adolescent Pregnancy

Roe v Wade being overturned also means that young victims of rape cant abort their baby and simply have to have it meaning we will have more adolescent pregnancies because of the laws restricting teenagers to have access to an abortion

Mental health

A Pregnancy can affect your mental health, when a women goes trough a pregnancy your body changes and your mind changes, pregnancy can affect your mental health not just your body, as many as 1 in 5 women develop serious mental health problems because of pregnancy 

Summary of the problem

after years of fighting for the right to an abortion women finally got that right in Roe v Wade but when that was overturned women lost that right all over again as if their years fighting to have that right meant nothing and they were no longer in control over their body

List videos or posts about your topic? What does each video say? Why is each video credible? How is the video persuasive? 

Texas Supreme Court Blocks abortions

Kate Cox was denied a emergency abortion she was told her baby would not survive and could affect her from having children in the future

Teen Pregnancy Rates are rising in Texas

Teen pregnancies have increased for the first time in 15 years. Texas has the highest estimated number of pregnancies resulting from rape than any other state 

Main Topics 

1 Unwanted pregnancy's

2 Mental health

3 Dangers of an abortion

4 Underage children

5 Life treating pregnancies 

Counter Argument

Women shouldn't have the Right to An abortion, Abortion is Murder 

Results of your survey

50 of curie students who did the survey all 50 of them agreed that abortion should be a god given right to all women

Interview Summary

Abortion should be a god given right. high risk patients are the most common cause, abortion isn't murder and we wont get the right back easily 

Your personal opinion

Women should have the right to choose, abortion is a right that they fought so hard for to take that choice from them brought a lot of harm and obstacles. they should have control over their own bodies.

Abortion should be a God given right

A pregnancy is either a blessing or a curse. Not all women want a baby or are ready for a baby, maybe they want one but not yet. When a woman got pregnant whether it was consensual or non consensual they had a right to choose if they wanted the baby or not. Women fought for that right for years and they got it, but since Roe v Wade was overturned June 2022 all women lost that right and now we have to deal with the consequences a pregnancy can bring us. But is abortion murder? Should women even have that right to an abortion? Women should have the right to an abortion  Women now have to choose between their own lives or their baby’s but without the right to an abortion women are now traveling out of their home states to have an abortion because it is not provided in their state. A patient in Missouri needed to get an abortion as she could lose her uterus if the baby was born, her doctors in Missouri told her she should get an abortion but they couldn't help her. She chose to get an abortion “Her Missouri doctors told her it was the safest option — but they wouldn't provide one”. She had to travel to Illinois to be able to have that abortion because she could do it in her home state. Illinois has been stepping up to fill the void, people were traveling so much to Illinois that Gov. JB Pritzker had to launch a hotline to help all the high risk patients. Women from a young age are told to tell their mother everything and to be careful about the people around you. As you get older, things continue to add up to that, but one of the most common things that most women have heard is don't walk alone after dark. The main cause of this is rape, rape has always been a concern for women.” “Statistic show that between July 2022 and January 2024, more than 64,000 pregnancies resulted from rape in states where abortion was banned”. Women can no longer abort these babies that come with a horrible memory and if lucky they have the ability to travel to another state to get this abortion but most of them are not so lucky and have to do nothing but accept it even if they are 11 years old and have to go to school., We can no longer do anything to help them overcome this. Women have always had it hard but with Roe v Wade being overturned things are much harder now., Roe v Wade was something women have fought for years to have. They fought for a right that should have been there in the first place but now they are again back at ground zero. 


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