Should someone get a harsh prion sentence, for killing an abusive parent?

"I don't believe my mother was a monster.... She had a lot of demons herself that she was struggling with. I didn't want her dead. I just wanted out of my situation, and I thought that was the only way out."


This Is Gypsy Rose and her mom Dee Dee they look very positive and close. 


Here gypsy had to attend the doctor she has lots of tape and cords around her face, but she looks truly happy

True love

This is gypsy and her Husband who cares for her dearly and would do anything to protect her.

Summary of the problem

My topic is should someone get a harsh prison sentence for killing an abusive parent. The problem about my topic is that everyone believes once someone kills another person for being abused mentally and physically for most of their lives that it isn't a bad idea that they killed someone.  My opinion is they should get a huge prison sentence There were many ways you could've gotten away and prevented anyone from losing their lives. If you had the ability to kill you had the ability to run and call for help.



How to know your relationship is strong

Signs of abuse

Be aware!

Main Topics 

2 Mental effect 

3. Relationship with her boyfriend

4. Criminal justice

5. My opinion 

Counter Argument

Many people believe that Gypsy Rose did what she could to get away and believe that she should've never been in prison and it is a good thing she is free. This isn't accurate because she still constructed the way of killing her mom, and told her boyfriend it wasn't okay when he cried in regret.  

Results of your survey

43 of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that someone should get a harsh prion sentence, for killing an abusive parent.

Interview Summary

Write a summary of your interviewee. What made them a credible source? What did they say generally? What was one memorable quote they shared? 

Your personal opinion

I believe that anyone killing someone under any circumstances should be in prison for 20 years plus , I know they have had a harsh life with the abusiveness, but there is other ways you could go with things like running away or even getting someone involved that knows they can't make a big deal of it while the abuser is around, but knows when they're around they could help you run away.

Should someone get a harsh prison sentence for killing an abusive parent?

How often do you think a parent loses their life in the hands of their child? According to Katheleen M. Heide, a professor of criminology, “On the average, about five parents are killed by their biological children in the United States every week.” In the case of Gypsy Rose who conspired with Godejohn to kill her mother, she should also have a life sentence for participating in the crime; instead of being released freely.

Gypsy Rose was physically and mentally abused by her mother. Dee Dee gave Gypsy pills for pain relief called vicodin among other medicines.  Dee Dee lied to many of what was going on with Gypsy, once she believed they asked too many questions she then moved her away. “Dee Dee told Gypsy’s father, Rod Blanchard, that their daughter had a chromosomal disorder that had led to her many health issues. He complimented Dee Dee for her devoted care. When some of Dee Dee’s family noticed that Gypsy didn’t seem to need a wheelchair and asked questions, Dee Dee and Gypsy moved away.” (Kettler, Sara). This shows that Dee Dee was a manipulator in her right mind, because she knew how to keep the secret due to Gypsy’s father giving the mother a compliment of taking good care of Gypsy. Gypsy was so wrapped up around her mother's fingers that she couldn't even realize that these pills or “ treatments' ' were the problem because she didn't need them. “Gypsy was put in a wheelchair despite being able to walk, forced to take medications she didn't need and had her head shaved in an effort to convince their friends, family and community that she was suffering from muscular dystrophy, leukemia and other ailments.  “(Kettler, Sara)  This proves that Gypsy purposely had to get “ revenge on her mom due to what she suffered from.

      Gypsy met Godejohn on a dating site for Christian singles, and they communicated online for two years before meeting in person.They met for the first time in person at a Springfield movie theater. She wore a Cinderella costume, and he dressed as Prince Charming. They were in love at first sight. Gypsy then told Godejohn about the horrible things her mom does to her and wanted his help to kill her. “Their second in-person meeting was that June, when Godejohn traveled from Wisconsin to Missouri to kill Dee Dee” (Gibson, Kelsie). 

Gypsy knew exactly what she was doing. It was a cold blooded premeditated crime.  “Dee Dee gave each other manicures and Gypsy put Dee Dee to bed After Dee Dee fell asleep, Godejohn entered the residence, Gypsy recalled, and Gypsy hid in a bathroom while Godejohn stabbed Dee Dee to death” (Gibson). This shows  that Gypsy is guilty due to her letting Godejohn in the residence and hiding in the bathroom listening to him murdering her mother. Godejohn, who had no history of violence before the murder, told ABC 20/20, “I felt horrible about it. When me and her were in the hotel room … she [Gypsy] kept on telling me, ‘Stop crying, stop crying. There’s no reason to cry. It was my idea, it wasn’t yours. I … did what I did because I loved her. I really wanted a life with her, I really did.” (cite sources) This shows how cold blooded gypsy was. She was telling someone that it was okay for murdering someone and shows on emotion of being scared nor regret! Godejogn shows regret right after and wishes he never did this. This proves that Gypsy is way more guilty than Godejohn.

Although some experts may say Gypsy was abused from birth and suffered mental illness because of her mother’s abuse and therefore she’s not as guilty; however This is another way of proving that gypsy isn’t the innocent person that everyone thinks she is. He was initiated into something he had no record of doing, he felt horrible after and was told that it was okay. Was it okay to kill someone ?

      Affirmation of your main claim: I believe that Gypsy should still be in jail and should also have the same conditions as Godejohn due to her setting this up first by asking him to do it, putting her mother to bed with a girl night and a nail date, then letting him into the residence hiding in the bathroom with no shame.

In conclusion, this crime was a very serious one and could've been prevented by Gypsy explaining to Godejohn that her mom had been giving her this and doing this, they could've gone to the police and gotten away, but instead she wanted her mother gone for good. Godejohn is still in prison while Gypsy has moved on with her life freely, living happily. I believe she should still be in jail giving at least 20 years, because she led a big part of this death.


Flam, Charna. “Gypsy Rose Blanchard, Abuse Victim Convicted in Mother’s Murder, to Be Released from Prison Early.” Peoplemag, PEOPLE, 29 Sept. 2023,

Gibson, Kelsie. “Where Is Gypsy Rose Blanchard’s Ex-Boyfriend Nicholas Godejohn Now? All about His Prison Sentence.” Peoplemag, PEOPLE, 8 Jan. 2024,

The Story of Gypsy Rose Blanchard and Her Mother, Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.