Should abortion be a constitutional right? 

“No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body.”

Margaret Sanger

Low Income Families

Abortion has always been a steady option to Low-income individuals. For low income families the introduction of a child can cause financial instability.  According to Guttmacher Institute 75% of abortion patients  in 2014, were among low income patients.

Sexual Violence Victims

Around 40% of pregnant women in abusive relationships report their pregnancy was unintended as opposed to the 8% in non-abusive relationships.   

High Risk Pregnancies

High Risk Pregnancies are a huge concern for many mothers. However, according to the National Library of Medicine around 10-30% are high risk pregnancies. This small percentage makes up around 70% of "perinatal mortality and morbidity".

Summary of the problem

Roe v. Wade being overturned opened up the possibility of many bans on women's bodies. In some states, women and even girls as young as 8-9 are forced to carry to term without the option of abortion. 

Main Topics 

1.) Low-income families (and Individuals) 

2.) Sexual violence Victims

3.) Pros and Cons to abortion 

4.) High Risk Pregnancies 


Counter Argument

"Reducing the action to abortion Decreases the demand of abortions" This statement is simply not true. Just because you ban abortions doesn't mean the demand decreases. Just because legal abortions cease to exist, it doesn't mean abortions as a whole end. 

Results of your survey

67% of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that abortion should be constitutionalized.

Interview Summary

My interviewee was Donna Navarro, she's a High school Junior and has strong opinions on the topic of abortion. "I strongly disagree that Congress should take women's rights towards abortion. This decision takes away the rights of women and what they get to do and choose with their bodies." Here Donna speaks on why she disagrees with Congress taking away the right to abortion. 

Your personal opinion

I believe that women should have the choice of a safe and legal abortion. Banning abortion doesn't mean they top happening, it just means it stops happening legally. 

Should Abortion be a Constitutional Right?


Works Cited

Wikipedia, /. Accessed 2 May 2024.

“Abortion - Risks.” NHS, . Accessed 2 May 2024.

Boonstra, Heather D. “Abortion in the Lives of Women Struggling Financially: Why Insurance Coverage Matters.” Guttmacher Institute, 14 July 2016, . Accessed 2 May 2024.

Gomindes, Austin R. “Prevalence of High-Risk Pregnancy Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Care Camps in Primary Health Centres in Kinaye and Vantamuri and Their Sub-Centres.” NCBI, 27 July 2022, . Accessed 2 May 2024.

Grimes, Robert. “A scientist weighs up the five main anti-abortion arguments.” The Guardian, 12 August 2015, . Accessed 2 May 2024.

“What can economic research tell us about the effect of abortion access on women's lives? | Brookings.” Brookings Institution, 30 November 2021, . Accessed 2 May 2024.