Should children under the age of 10 have smartphones?

3-in-4 kids spend less than 60 minutes playing outside each day.


Kids exposed to technology at a young age learn how to gain access to the phone and may click on stuff that might lead to something inappropriate.


Kids become addicted to technology and stay inside and don’t go outside as much.


 Kids will be exposed to cyberbullying and can affect their physical health and possibly their physical health.

Summary of the problem

We have all started to become more addicted to technology that it becomes an easy thing to fix a problem that we might be having to avoid having to to figure out how to solve it and have patience.

List videos or posts about your topic? What does each video say? Why is each video credible? How is the video persuasive? 

Technology is the new socially acceptable addiction.  17 million growing up endlessly connected to technology. She shows the brain scans of health brain, drug addict, and technology addict.

Talks about the sciences of the brain and why its hard to change the addiction and why our moods/emotions are affected.

It talks about both the negative side and positive side of kids growing up with technology .

Main Topics 

What are the main topics you are going to discuss in your research? 

1. behavior 

2. Mental Health/ Health

3. Exposure 

Counter Argument

Kids growing up with technology at a young age gives them advantages by giving them early access to different learning apps and programs. While that may be true not many kids look for educational fun games once they are on their parents iphone or tablet. If parents try giving it to them with an educational program so kids might just exit out of it and play other games.

Results of your survey

45 out of  50 Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that No students under the age of 10 should have smartphones. While the other five said yes but it depends.

Interview Summary

I interviewed a teacher  instead of  a student because i though it would be more informal since they are experiencing different generations each year. Seeing the changes of each generation. I interviewed Ms. Torres from the english department from curie high school. She talked about what she noticed about Gen Z compared to other generations and that is while they have must creative ways of learning a lot of them have shorter attention spans.  As well as how long children should be having it and her opinion on giving children technology to stop a tantrum.

Your personal opinion

I think children under the age of 3 shouldn't be introduced until 4 years old and still only have a tablet with limited time screen. Then at the age of 10 or 11 years old iphones can be given to them.

Should Children under the age of 10 have Smartphones?

2am, the room is dark and quiet and you see a bright beam of light shining bright on a ten - year olds face and see their blood shot eyes and dark circles of someone who works a 9-12 job. Nowadays everywhere you go you see a kid glued to a screen more specifically a cell phone screen. Kids now are surrounded by the use of technology since the day they are born. They get addicted to technology before they can even say their first word. We all know addiction is hard on adults. Imagine having one since a little kid, this addiction will affect children in the long run. Trying to fix this addiction will be difficult to change but not impossible. Therefore children under the age of 10 shouldn’t have smartphones.

Kids are introduced to technology since we they were little specifically through kids toys like remote controlled cars to speaking dolls. These toys were considered advanced not that long ago, but as technology has started to evolve they have become more technology based. We all know that technology will always be evolving and becoming more advance and we will need to be more aware of the danger that comes with its benefits. We need to learn how to use its benefit to help us and not let it control us.

Exposure to technology will affect the behavior of children 10 and under not only now but  later down the line and will become reliant on technology. For instances research says,“The immediacy of technological interactions make waiting harder for children”(Western Governors University). Kids being impatient isn’t something new, however giving them technology that has the ability to quickly generate their next source of entertainment is negative.The moment it freezes or battery runs low, kids make it seem like it's the end of the world and start to cry or scream as if they are going to die. They are used to having what they want right away and moving to the entertainment on the cellphone/tablet. In acorolation to that another article says, “a child’s brain may adapt to frequent visual stimulation, rapid change, and have little need for imagination”(“How does technology affect child development: Good and Bad”). Since technology is so automatic and advanced to where AI can create images for us, it causes us to stop using our brains to be creative and think of creating an image. With that not only will kids being creative become rare but will affect many generations where they act on impulse and not think before doing some things

Not only can exposure to technology at a young age affect kids behavior but their mental and physical health as well. According to Western Governors University, suicide rates and use of medication to help kids has gone up and experts believe it's due to social media,(“Impact of Technology on Kids Today and Tomorrow”). Kids on social media see these people have a luxurious life and start to think how come I don’t have that. We as a society shouldn’t let kids think that the lifestyle that they  see online is normal. Social media has made this seem like the norm for people. Social media has also affected more specifically young girls who believe that they aren’t good enough because they don’t look a certain way when in reality they shouldn’t compare themselves to others. In addition, the article also mentions, Kids who spend time inside with technology rather than being outside causes kids to experience less exercise,(“Impact of Technology on Kids Today and Tomorrow”). Without movement like running around outside can cause kids to become obese at a younger age since children's bodies develop quickly and they quickly can gain or lose weight by doing simple exercises. However they don’t move around and just sit all day using technology they will not be able to lose weight. Making obesity rates in the US rise even more than they are.

Lastly, exposing  technology to kids will give them access to things not appropriate for their age . For example, lower levels of privacy, which can lead to unrealistic expectations of closeness or friendship online”,(”The Social Impact of Technology on Children). Sometimes children can be gullible when talking to people online who they think are their age and can be trusted but we never know who's behind that other screen. Predators use kids innocence to take advantage of them. To Furthmore, in another article it says, “Sex offenders may use social networking, chat rooms, e-mail and online games to contact and exploit children.”(“Constantly Connected: How Media Use Can Affect Your Child”). This connects to the previous article where kids aren’t aware of who they are conversing with behind the other side of the screen. It's important that parents shouldn’t allow their kids ten and under to have a smartphone. As older children  might be able to see clues that tell when they are being weird but even still have said so much beforehand. Now imagine a little kid in that situation they might not be able to see that they are being used or understand what they are doing when talking to someone online.

Although some researcher in the article “Children and Technology: Positive and negative Effects'' may say “Early access to technology teaches the digital literacy skills that children will need for their future success in school and as adults.” While that may be true the use of technology can affect the learning process of a kid when they start. Making them have a harder time trying to process the information they are learning. In an article it says,“When infants or preschoolers watch too much TV, they may show delays in attention, thinking, language and social skills.”(“Constantly Connected: How Media Use Can Affect Your Child”). Those will be major effects for a kid and how they will perform in school and possibly their future when learning and trying to process new information.

In conclusion, younger kids shouldn’t have access to technology so easily at such a young age. It will affect their behavior, mental and physical health, and expose them to inappropriate content for their age. Parents should keep their kids away from technology until the age of three or four and limit their use of technology at least until the age 12. However, keeping track as they get older wouldn’t hurt either.


“Constantly Connected: How Media Use Can Affect Your Child.” HealthyChildren.Org, Accessed 11 Mar. 2024. 

“How Does Technology Affect Child Development? 6 Benefits and Risks.” Kids’ Care Club, 30 June 2023, 

“Impact of Technology on Kids Today and Tomorrow.” Western Governors University, 25 Aug. 2020,,brain%20requiring%20more%20focused%20attention. 

Rodriguez, Marcos Andres Bonet. “Children and Technology: Positive and Negative Effects.” Maryville University Online, 20 Oct. 2023, 

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