Should people serving prison sentences be allowed to vote?

Should people serving prison sentences be allowed to vote?

How Does Prisoners or those being detained in jail not be able to vote affect society? 

different states where prisoners are and are not allowed to vote and the regulations

Main Topics 

What are the main topics you are going to discuss in your research? 

1 Prisoners disenfranchisement 

2 Civil Death

3 Current situation of prisoners 

4 being repeatedly detained 

5 crimes commited

Counter Argument

those who are in prison or jail should be able to vote 

Voters should be be allowed to vote because they are citizens.Most laws are unreasonable when it comes to the final verdict of incarcerating a person . Crimes committed do not affect political opinions 

Results of your survey

Out of the  50 people asked wheather "voters should be able to vote or not" , 70 % of people voted yes that they should be able to vote , having been incarcerated ,being incarcerated and or on parole.

Interview Summary

interviewee: Elena Guzman 

Interview conversation: Do you feel that a vote from a person who was incarcerated is in some way different from someone who hasn't had trouble with the law?

initial Response: " The difference between the response in both people is that one person follows and abides by the law and the other one has suffered the consequences of not doing the same so yes i do believe their is a view in the points of view ''

Question:Would up say that the voting of an incarcerated person would affect the ballot negatively ?

Initial Response: " voting is chance for a citizen to express their opinion of who they think is a good fit to be lead by , so no , i think it does not affect the ballot negatively"

Question:Should their be guidelines for letting those who have been incarcerated vote ?

initial response:  " yes i think there should be"

Question:Why do you think  living your life normally is affected by being incarcerated ?

initial response: " because being incarcerated comes with its negative connotations"

Question:Do you look at people who have been incarcerated before in a different way and with preconceived notions about them ?

intial response: " no i don't , because i think we can all make mistakes and not think of the consequences that they can bring "

In my Opinion , i believe wheather you vote or not should be a decision made based off the crime commited.Just as crimes have their levels of severity with the consequences given .Privilages like voting should be weighed out and considered with the with the crime commited.

Criminal Voting ? 

 When we think of voting, what comes to mind is usually the whole process of making your decision based on what candidate you think will be the best fit in the position to make positive change in the benefit of society. Not only that , but you brainstorm about what differences you would like to see in the world .Voting is our voice which allows us to make an impact on laws and regulations.Prisoners should not have the right to vote because of the crimes they have committed disregarding the law, the disenfranchisement due to their actions and being repeatedly detained and placed in jail and prison. 

The history …. Criminal disenfranchisement has its roots in the punishment of 'civil death,' imposed for criminal offences under Greek, Roman, Germanic and later Anglo-Saxon law.” (U.S. History of Felony Disenfranchisement).  REASONING

TOPIC SENTENCEC. Current situation:For people released from parole, prison, or probation before July 1, 2003, the law automatically restores voting rights and the right to serve as a juror in a civil case” (U.S. History of Felony Disenfranchisement) REASONING

Prisoners should not be allowed to vote because of the crimes they have committed disregarding the law .”Nineteen percent of people admit to possession and abuse of illegal carnotics.” - McCready Law. When people do thing they aren't supposed to like, like sell laced drugs , unregistered firearms and cover up murders , oftentimes they make sure to have excuses and alibis for the authorities if they get caught. This means that they knowingly commit these crimes and plan ahead accordingly to protect themselves from the consequences. 

When an individual commits a crime and goes to prison for it , this process comes with disenfranchisement. Being disenfranchised is a state of being deprived of a right or privilege ,especially the right to vote. Disenfranchisement is a punishment that follows a criminal .The social contract theory states that people live together in society in accordance with an agreement that establishes moral and political rules of behavior.The Social contract theory justifies the process of disenfranchisement by stating that we should all as a society want to be better and make advances in the world through being responsible ,contributing to society in good ways and abiding to the rules as everyone else does.

Prisoners should not be able to vote because they do not make an effort to stay out of prison and jail after they have been let out. According to studies , 38.5% percent of Prisoners in the U.S. find themselves back in prison or Jail within at least the next six months .When we let criminals who repeat the same patterns of not abiding to the law and committing crimes vote does that mean they have the same privileges as those who have followed the rules of the law and not committed crimes and have instead contributed to their communities . Voting is the power and voice you are given to make a change in the world ,but it does not make sense for one to vote for better change if they are the problem to begin with.

Although with all of these facts being true simultaneously, prisoners are still people .One of the biggest problems with the justice system in unsolved cases of wrongful convictions.It is estimated that 4 to 6 percent of people incarcerated in the United States are innocent .This means that while being innocent they still undergo all the consequences of being a criminal and being disenfranchised .Overall criminals are put in jail or prison for certain reasons , However the reasons stated by authorities are not always justifiable 

Due to unreasonable policies and tight regulations.

In conclusion , there should be exceptions made to certain cases .Not all criminals are convicted for serious crimes and so should not be treated with such serious consequences .This is what the justice systems needs to work on , setting rules for what a person going to jail or prison can or can’t do and not apply the sames rules to all. Now a day you can be arrested from suspicion of driving under the influence to minor assault and petty theft.Consequences so serious should not be given to those crimes and there should be more investigation under false conviction.