Should all       schools   in America                 start at 7:30 

Finland's education is ranked among one of the best in the world  . Their school day starts anywhere from 9 to 9:45 a.m  and students typically spend only about five hours a day in the classroom 

 Students don't get enough sleep with early starts  and are too tired during school and lack of sleep often leads too  weak mental abilities and puts your physical health at risk  and weight gain

Some Students cant make it to class on time due living far and  don't get a chance to eat breakfast which is important of adolescents  (It makes them less likely to be irritable and aggressive, )

Students are often sleep deprived  Sleep deprivation prevents your immune system from building up its forces. 

Summary of the   problem

Students are starting classes way too early which can  effect them both mentally  and physically typically leaving them drain and exhausted at school which is limiting there focus and attention 🥴😪😴

videos about my topic / relate to the topic 

According to a recent study, getting up too early for school can have a bad effect on both health and grades. 

The Department of Education and the CDC have established that middle and high schools begin their days too early, which may have an impact on students' health and academic performance.

According to a recent research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most schools open for classes earlier than necessary.

Main Topics 

1  students are not getting enough sleep 

2  students  are too tired in school 

3 unhealthy effects due to lack of sleep 

4 mentally draining / mood 

5 getting to class on time 

Counter Argument

"early classes are good for you because they enhance productivity, the brain focuses better at an early time" Research suggests that the human brain generally works best in the morning but this between 9 to 11 AM but this is not the case for everybody as certain people are different  

Results of my  survey say 

   63 % of curie highschool studens agreed that yes it starts to early 

amoung the Curie High School students who were surveyed 63% agreed that yea schools start to early .  

Interview Summary

My interviewer is a student here at Curie who has an early start . 

My candidate's attitude towards my subject was that they did not agree with classes starting early.  My most important question was “Have you ever struggled with starting school early? “ and “How do you feel about school starting early?  “

Their answer was “Yes I have struggled to come early to school because it’s hard to wake up so early in the morning especially in the winter since it’s cold

“ and  “I don’t really like it because I have to wake up really early in order to get ready for school and it can also affect our grades."  

  "since its cold" 

My personal opinion

 I think yes classes do start too early for me. I would like get my good hours of  sleep and have enough time to eat a good breakfast 

Should all schools  start at 7:30 

David calvario 

Ms Carrillo 

Ap Language 


 Did you know that Insufficient sleep can impact your brain's functioning including your ability to remember, regulate emotion, attention, the speed you process information and the ability to have insight which is what students often rely on to do good in school. Most schools in the US start school around 7a.m.  which is a problem for students' mental and physical well being. Students should start classes no earlier than 8:30. 

In the 1950s school started around 8:30 and ended around 11:30 and throughout the years school has always stayed the same with their starting time being 8:30 . Nowadays the starting time has been getting lower and the amount of time being increased  with the average school hours being 7:00 till 3:00 giving students 6 - 7 hours to themselves after school without counting the time it takes to study and do homework and do sports . This leaves most students to go to bed around 10 - 11pm  giving them 6 .5- 7.5 hours of sleeping depending on what time they have to wake up  .  Research says  Puberty hormones shift the teenager’s body clock forward by about one or two hours, making them sleepier one to two hours later. Yet, while the teenager falls asleep later, early school starts don’t allow them to sleep in. This nightly ‘sleep debt’ leads to chronic sleep deprivation. 

Lack of sleep leads to several mood  problems in teenagers  .  A study was done where they interviewed  several teengers  who lacked sleep and had early school start .  The study shows that most teengers say things like  “I’m just generally more grouchy and irritable.”and “When I’m tired, everything else seems worse. It’s easy to get depressed.” said by students -(Jake Multer and Nina Lopez)  ( Teens and Sleep: The Cost of Sleep Deprivation)  .  Students who have efficient sleep are able to be more productive and less moody in school .

   Sleep deficiency can have chronic health problems in teenagers . According to sleep experts, getting too little sleep increases the likelihood of gaining weight .  This can lower a teen's self-esteem and raise blood pressure, which is connected to diabetes and renal problems. Sleep deficiency also raises the chances of injuries in adults and teens - (national library of medicine)  . Teenagers having sleep deficiency  is a problem with links to many health problems which is a big effect on a student .   


List of sources in alpha order

     (  Joseph A. Hanson; Martin R. Huecker)  (Sleep Deprivation)    (the national library of medicine )    
  (june 12, 2023. ) Sleep Deprivation - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf (

(Jeffrey A. Groen, Sabrina Wulff Pabilonia   (School start times, academic achievement, and time use)  ( U.S. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS

 (Juliann Garey)    Teens and Sleep: The Cost of Sleep Deprivation:   (childmind institute ) (no date)

When Teens Don't Get Enough Sleep | Sleep Deprivation Effects | Child Mind Institute

              (jaunary 2020)

     School start times, academic achievement, and time use : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (

Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences,

 (The Effect of Sleep Quality on Students’ Academic Achievement )     (national library of medicine )


 (Published online 2020 Jul 17)   (The Effect of Sleep Quality on Students’ Academic Achievement)

The Effect of Sleep Quality on Students’ Academic Achievement - PMC ( 

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