should we continue to say its true that everyone has a chance at the "American dream"?

A poor person can become rich and successful as long as they work hard enough.

This image represent the both sides of what the american dream is.

The difference between the American dream being success and having stability and knowledge while the other side is about the reality and truths of everyday life. The government and society fails us and future generations. 

This image represents the way the "american dream" is portrayed.

In order to accomplish the american dream you have to work hard enough to own a house and have a rich living.

This image represents the american dream and going to success

In order to accomplish the american dream you need to go through a long road of work and commitment.

Summary of the problem

The issue I searched about is The american dream and the challenges that come with. The journey that affects immigrants traumatically and life risking .  Knowing that youre fighting for a better life. Knowing you could get sent back at any moment even if you have good intentions. Immigrants have suffered and run to find somewhere better for them and future generations. Immigrants are discriminated and taken advantage of since they have come from different backgrounds and are getting acustumed to this new way of living.

List videos or posts about your topic? What does each video say? Why is each video credible? How is the video persuasive? 

An article by Seattle Times on immgrants perspectives and whatthe american dream is.

An article by fox new on the american dream which was mostly based on immigrants coming to the US and why it shouldnt be illegal.

A Video on entrepreneurs share their thoughts on the American Dream and why they immigrated to the U.S.

Main Topics 

Counter Argument

 immigration causes pressure on public services. For example schools, hospitals and public amenities are affected by the increase of immigrants. This argument can be accurate since over population can affect schools, hospitals and public amenities yet there is a solution to over population which is why its not as accurate and can be said for everyone .

Results of your survey

25/50 of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that the american dream is achievable  . 

Interview Summary

 The interviewee is a credible source since she is 17 and a young adult , who cares about now and future generations. In general they mentioned open mindedness and equality. For growth in generations and better opportunities. She also mentioned how much immigrants an be affcted by this so called American dream that wont be achievable for everyone.

your personal opinion

In my opinion I believe the American Dream can be achievable yet everyone has their own perspective of the American Dream. Coming to the US can be difficult and a life changing experience. Establishing yourself  in the US without enough resources and  new  accommodations is not easy.  The American Dream in my opinion is not real anymore and was a great deal yet it isnt anymore since America has changed and multiple factors of getting a better life here has dissapered.

 The challenges immigrants face trying to achieve the “American dream”. 


Work Cited. ------------------(both research paper and overall research) -----------------

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