Should laws be in place to secure social mobility for people of color such as affirmative action? 

"Today, when colleges talk about affirmative action, they rarely mention the issue of inequality, or even of a diverse leadership." 


Diversity is the main problem, if one doesn't have diversity in education there's most likely to be more discrimination. This also promotes inclusion.



Students of color are set aside and underrepresented.


More opportunities are  effective towards people of color. Most of the time they need it as they aren't as more wealthy and privileged as others.

Summary of the problem

Affirmative action has been removed or banned in some states, when education brings high standing benefits for people of color.

List videos or posts about your topic? What does each video say? Why is each video credible? How is the video persuasive? 

How UC Berkeley has fared without affirmative action

The video says that California voters has practically banned affirmative action and had disadvantages, they had to spend 500 million dollars to create diverse student bodies, lost enrollement of Black students to 5% of last year to 3% or 4%.

UC Berkeley barely has black student enrolled as its been hard.

Affirmative action

Affirmative Action was the main solution but many people were against it for bad reasons. It talks about people who made it history and who made it be under attack.

Affirmative action ruling ‘not fair,’ Black student says

Affirmative action going away causes major hardships like in California and Michigan. Bunmi Omisore, an African-American woman highlights that her race has to be involved in applying for college to be able to accepted which doesn't show fairness.

Main Topics 

1 Diversity 

2  Inequality

3 Low college rates

4 Opportunities

5 Racism

Counter Argument

People who go against affirmative action argue that it has “unfair advantages”. They also say its a “waste”. When in reality thats not true, the true reality is that they don't care about racial minorities and their need for help. Especially people who have dreams and work really hard for it.  They deserve to have an equal chance. 

Results of your survey

49 out of 50 of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that laws should be put in place for affirmative action towards people of color.

Interview Summary

My interviewee is Omar Martinez, who's 16 and Hispanic.  He's a credible source because he's a very trustable person when talking about a problem.  He  generally said that he supported that people of color should get these amazing opportunities by placing such laws.  One memorable quote that he said is that "the pros out wait the cons" meaning that the cons or negative side effects don't matter at all as they have a lot of money to fund.

Your personal opinion

Afffrimative action does a lot of good for racial minorities. It leads to them feeling secure and receiving support. No matter the funds of cost its a great way for a more better social mobility for people of color.

Affirmative action for people of color.

Affirmative Action for people of color

People of color suffer unfair and unequal treatment. Low school rates of black people highlight that there's no equality, just racism toward racial minorities. Affirmative Action is such a great resource for people of color to have higher and better education.  This paper will be about less rates, diversity, equal opportunities of Affirmative Action, and better racial attitudes. Research says that Affirmative Action benefits people of color who have a low income towards their better achievement. 

In this paragraph I will discuss the importance of opportunities.  “Affirmative Action provides equal opportunities towards black and latinos. Many students aren’t from high income places as others, they don't have free funding, don't come from private schools and just struggle with money to have easy access. “(Green, Sonia.”)” This shows that Affirmative Action play a role for them to have opportunities.

Now diversity promotes great opportunities that include everyone.

Diversity ensures better variety in colleges. “Research shows that diversity makes everyone feel welcome and creates better representation for colleges.“(Green, Sonia.”)”

 In addition it makes people of color feel more emotionally better and physically, they don’t feel weird or unwelcomed by peers. Now colleges tend to have low percent of minorities. The less Black undergraduates there is the worse the college or university is. California had fallen “6 percent in 1980, 3 percent in 2017”. “(Shafer.”)” Lower percentage makes it harder for all students to have “racial attitudes towards racial minorities” and would just stir up problems that are unnecessary if Affirmative Action was placed as a law.  

People who go against Affirmative Action argue that it has “unfair advantages”. They also say it's a “waste”. When in reality that's not true, the true reality is that they don't want to see people of color succeed. They are clearly against racial minorities. 

Affirmative Action is beneficial in education for people of color, it creates big equal opportunities they don't have, diversity benefits, better percentage rates. Laws are necessary to be placed on Affirmative Action ensuring people of color to show their success. Who gets hurt? Clearly nobody. Their answer is not valid.



Green, Sonia. “A Black Student’s Thoughts on Affirmative Action.” The Chronicle, 25 Jan. 2023,  

Kenton, Will. “What Is Affirmative Action? How It Works and Example.” Investopedia, Investopedia, 23 Sept. 2023,,and%20the%20private%20sector%20workforce.

Maxwell, Connor, and Sara Garcia. “5 Reasons to Support Affirmative Action in College Admissions.” Center for American Progress, 13 Sept. 2023,   

Maye, Adewale A. “The Supreme Court’s Ban on Affirmative Action Means Colleges Will Struggle to Meet Goals of Diversity and Equal Opportunity.” Economic Policy Institute, 29 June 2023,   


Shafer, Leah. “The Case for Affirmative Action.” Harvard Graduate School of Education, 11 July 2018,  

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