Should we continue supportings wars like Isreal and ukraine 

Ukraine's largest military aid partner since the start of the war, the United States, has committed a total of €71.4 billion in aid.

women and children  attacked with white phosphorus  by Israel 


Young and old alike being forced to sign up and fight for their country against their aggressor Russia 

Ukranians carrying an injured women from a war zone 

Summary of the problem

We have given billions upon billions to Ukraine and Israel to help them in their wars with their aggressors but should we continue,  what do we gain as a country by helping them and supplying them. Should we as a country continue to financially support them or should we stop and let them fight their own war.

This talks about the use of white phosphorus in Gaza,and the numerous who have been killed ,hospitalized,and displaced due to it . It is credible and persuasize because it shows photo proof of 

This talks about the previous encounters that Ukraine has had with Russia and how this has not been the 1st time that Russia has stolen land from Ukraine and now they want everything.This is a credible source because it comes from first hand experience and has factual proof to the events that happened  

Ukraine's total military is 500,000 active and reserve  while russia has 1,330,000 troops in their active and reserve .This goes to show the military strength of both countries and the ginormous difference between them.

Main Topics 

1.The aid being sent 

2.The aid and support we are giving to Israel 

3.Why we are not supporting gaza 

4.Why do we not leave Ukraine to go fight by themselves

5.why do we not condem Israel for the war crimes they are commiting against the people in Gaza

Counter Argument

The counter argument is that we should stop sending Aid to Ukraine and Israel. Israel has used the aid we have given them to bomb and kill numerous civillians and civillian safe havens,they have used white phosphorus to decimate areas full of women,children,and elderly.Almost the entire population of 2.2 million people requires food aid, according to the UN World Food Programme 

Results of your survey

 6 of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that  20  we should continue to support Ukraine and Israel in their wars.

Interview Summary

The summary of my interview is he was very informative,he was a credible source because he was able to give me the opinion of an average citizen.He was able to give me a opinion that lots of other people probrably had as well.He said that the money sent over could have been used on our citizens instead of fighting forigen wars and he is somewhat right.One memorable quote is "I do not fear but I am curious because America could be giving a little too much to other countries and could leave us to dry." Could it be that we are being left out to dry or is it the opposite.

Your personal opinion

In my personal opinion  we should continue to support Israel and Ukraine. I belive this because is we do not help countries like Ukraine they will probrably sucumb to Russia because their military forces are just so much greater.If we do not help they will probrably lose and we can't let that happen especially with Israel because they are such a big ally in the middle east and it would be terrible to lose an asset like that.

Title of your paper

The Aid to Ukraine and Israel is worth it  


List of sources in alpha order

 Amnesty International. “Lebanon: Evidence of Israel’S Unlawful Use of White Phosphorus in Southern Lebanon as Cross-border Hostilities Escalate.” Amnesty International, 1 Nov. 2023,,Dhayra%2C%20a%20populated%20civilian%20area.

Cooper, Helene, et al. “Ukraine War Casualties Near Half a Million, U.S. Officials Say.” The New York Times, 18 Aug. 2023,

Expert Comment: Putin’s War - How Did We Get Here? | University Of. 15 Mar. 2022,

Hutchinson, Bill. “The History of US Support for Israel Runs Deep, but With a Growing Chorus of Critics.” ABC News, 24 Nov. 2023,,States%20to%20prevent%20wider%20wars.%22.

“U.S. Relations With Israel - United States Department of State.” United States Department of State, 24 Oct. 2023,,)%2C%20solidify%20bilateral%20economic%20relations.

Picheta, R. (2024, February 29). More than 30,000 killed in Gaza since Israel-Hamas war began, health ministry says. CNN.


Looking back on all the articles and videos that i have read and saw about the wars going on in Ukraine and Israel  I feel it when  i say that  we should support these nations in their time of need. Ukraine only has 1/3rd of Russias troops but they are winning becasue of our assistance we have to keep Ukraine safe from the invaders.