Should the government supply support to domestic violence victims?

1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe intimate partner physical violence 

Emotional abuse

Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in any relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over an intimate partner 

Physical abuse

Some partners could feel manipulated in a relationship.

Psychological abuse

38% of domestic violence victims end up homeless at some point in their lives.


Domestic violence is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. It is more heard of than seen. You could ask yourself why anyone who is in a relationship confilct any harm to their loved ones. The cause of this is the unequal power dynamic in the relationship where one partner wants to take control. This isn't rare in many cases. At least 736 million women have experenced this in their life time.

One love is a nonprofit organization that has the goal of ending relationship abuse. They explain how Domestic violence isn't always physical it can be through words or even through the phone.

Home start is a family child charity organization that focuses on helping children and making sure the kids are safe and also provide parenting classes. They also work with children who struggle with mental health.

Control is a short film that shows first the lover being impatient. The man proceeds to get frustrated and choke his partner. Apologizes then threatens his partners life. These are many different types of domestic abuse.

Main Topics 

What are the main topics you are going to discuss in your research? 

2. Different types of domestic violence

3. Homelessness

4. Manipulation

5. getting help

Counter Argument

Domestic violence can be easy to avoid in some cases. Many people try to get help immediately or leave the situation before it gets any worse. This is true, however manipulation is involved and even children.

Results of my survey

84% of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that Domestic violence victims should receive help from the government. 16% of students disagreed that the victims shouldn't be receiving help.

Interview Summary

Today I interviewed a certain individual who was a victim of domestic violence. I interviewed Marisa Vaca, a 46 year old single mother with 2 daughters. Marisa was really open to talking about her experience and told me stories that are very disturbing to some readers. I asked her why she didn’t leave when she had the chance, and she simply said “my kids”. She stayed because she wanted her children to still have a father in their lives just as she had one growing up. One only regret she had was wishing to choose her children's father more wisely. I learned so much talking to Ms.Vaca, domestic violence is so hidden these days in fear of losing the other person. 

My personal opinion

I was a child of domestic violence, and I had to go through many therapy sessions to get ahold of what i witnessed as a kid. I had to see my mother stuggle after she had left my father and she had no help at all. I had to mature at a very young age and didn't get to enjoy my childhood due to the problems I faced at home. I didn't even feel safe at home knowing my dad was there. The government should help in any means that could be possible.

Title of your paper

Should the government supply support for domestic violence victims?

Did you know that about 10 million people including men and women have experienced domestic violence? Many victims don’t receive help from the government and have to resolve other ways of gaining help. The government should help these victims because many victims end up homeless, they need help/protection, and other victims end up caring for their children on their own with little money.

According to statistics formed by researchers from the National statistics domestic violence sheet, 1:3 women and 1:4 men have experienced domestic violence. There are many different forms of abuse seen in domestic violence cases. These are sexual, emotional, psychological, and physical abuse. When one partner takes control of the other or gains power and tries to control the other person. Some of these victims get divorced and end up having to live alone or even homeless.

In 2005, a survey was conducted, 50% of U.S cities found out that domestic violence is a primary reason of homelessness. Studies have shown a major connection to homelessness and domestic violence. Many of these people fled their lives trying to get away from the abuse. Women leave their lives behind to escape the abuse, but they sometimes leave their job causing them to beg for money. The women and men lack protection when they are on the streets by themselves.  

In some states, they only offer one solution which is restraining orders from their abusers. The government should supply help to victims because everyone deserves to feel safe. 

It would be safer if the government held the abuser accountable for their actions. According to a study 1-5 domestic violence phone calls to 911 are dismissed. 60% of domestic violence cases are dismissed leaving the victims vulnerable. 

Some causes for a victim not to leave their abuser is their children. 7.6 parents stay together because of their children. Usually mothers end up with the children and are forced to raise them on their own. These mothers have little financial resources and struggle to raise their children without help. These families need help to protect their children and themselves.

Although many people would disagree with the victims getting money due to the fact that these victims can walk away from the situation. In many cases this isn’t always true. These victims are manipulated and lied to and are scared to come out and ask for help. In fear of what might happen to them or their families they stay in the relationship. Some might depend on their partner for financial support and if they leave they will end up homeless. 

The government should supply support for domestic violence victims because they need the protection, financial aid and housing. The government can supply protection by first stopping domestic violence cases and give support to single parents that are victims of domestic violence. By allowing this, they can get help and have financial help to start back on their feet so they can have a safer life  and start all over.