Should the U.S. make an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants?

Did you know that a rising share of unauthorized immigrants have lived in the U.S. for over a decade?

Pathway to Citizenship

Pathways to citizenship for undocumented immigrants isn't easy and takes a long process and at times can last years before it gets approved unless it gets declined.

Immigrants and the Economy

Immigrants make up most of the working population of jobs people don't want to do that upholds the United States economy.

Foundation of America

Many Americans weren't actually natural born here and the foundation of America involves immigrants.

Summary of the problem

There are many undocumented immigrants who have lived in the United States illegally and have been working and paying taxes like any other U.S. citizen. Many of whom have families and have built a life here.

Undocumented Immigrants Economic Contribution

A video on what undocumented immigrants have provided for the economy with statistical facts.

Undocument Children

This video shows the life of an undocumented immigrant that was brought here at a young age without a choice.

Separation of immigrant families

This video shows an audio clip of a little girl asking for her family and she was among one of the many children who was separated from her family.

Main Topics 

1) Undocumented immigrants' contribution to the economy

2) Undocumented families

3) Undocumented children

4) who deserves an easier pathway to citizenship 

5) Opposition

Counter Argument

Write down one counterargument that you encounter that is opposite of your opinion. How is it accurate? How is it not?  

Many people would say that the United States should not provide an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants because they don't bring any good to the United States. But they are the most common to work in agricultural fields and often work many dangerous and unwanted jobs that many U.S. citizens are not willing to work for. They help build houses, help provide and distribute food, and work jobs others aren't willing to work.

Results of your survey

A 98% out of 50 Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that the United States should make an easier pathway for undocumented immigrants while 2% said that they United States should not provide an easier pathway for undocumented immigrants.

Interview Summary

My interviewee is a person who is eligible to vote and has experience and knowledge in the political issues in the United States. They said that there are many undeniable contributions undocumented immigrants have made to the economy and that a lot of times they are displayed as criminals and drug dealers. Giving them a bad reputation but a lot of them are actually good people just trying to live a life in the U.S. and if they have illegally lived here for years, it is prone that they have built families and a separation such as a deported family member can cause a toll in someone's personal life, especially cases like those of parent and child separation, or even sibling separations. So, in cases like those citizenship should be more accessible.

Your personal opinion

There are undocumented immigrants from various backgrounds, even if crossing the border without authorization is illegal itself, many have followed everything else, living a life similar to a U.S. citizen but without the benefits and perks of one. In cases like those that don't work or are a danger to the United States shouldn't be granted citizenship. But for those that have only worked and followed other laws they should have more of an accessible opportunity. Especially those who have built families here and could be separated if someone in the family were to get deported. Other cases are children that were brought at a young age that had no choice all they have ever known is the country they grew up and lived in for a majority of their lives.

Why the United States should provide an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants

Did you know that most undocumented immigrants work most of the jobs that citizens of the United States do not want to do? They contribute to the United States just like any other citizen and resident does. So, should the United States make an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants? Some people would disagree, but others would agree that the United States should create an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants because they are beneficial to the economy, close bonds, and some had no choice in their arrival.

  Throughout the years there have been undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Many of these immigrants have lived here for a long time and file taxes just like any other resident or citizen. They work and do many of the same thing's others do but it is much harder for them. But they have also established a life in the country.

The United States should create an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants because they are beneficial to the U.S. economy. In an article called ‘Citizenship for Undocumented Immigrants Would Boost U.S. Economic Growth’ they give economic related reasons as to why Citizenship for undocumented immigrants would be beneficial to the United States economy. The article goes on to say, “To that extent, legalization and a pathway to citizenship—which would raise wages for all workers, create hundreds of thousands of new jobs, and boost the GDP—is an investment in the country’s infrastructure in and of itself.” Making an easier pathway for undocumented immigrants isn’t just beneficial to them but it is also beneficial to the economy. Raises in wages would make any worker in the United States happy as the prices grow higher. Whether it is food or just essential human needs, who wouldn’t like a higher paying wage. It also mentions the creation of new jobs, usually new jobs increase things such as economic growth, increased consumer spending and many other things. Finally with an increase in gross domestic product (GPD), would make for a healthier and stronger economy and this could establish the country to be much stronger itself.

Another reason as to why the United States should create an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants is because of close bonds. Based on the journal named ‘Path to Citizenship: It Benefits All of Us’ it states, “These individuals have built lives and families here—an estimated 10.2 million people, including children who are U.S. citizens, across the country live with a family member who is undocumented.” Many undocumented immigrants have established and made a life for themselves in the United States and while they’ve been here, they’ve also established new or stronger family bonds whether it may be from someone of legal status or non-legal resident in the country. There have also been many common cases of family growth where children of those who are undocumented are citizens in the U.S. and separations in families can disrupt many of these close bonds especially those such as parent and children's bonds.

  A final reason as to why the United States should provide an easier pathway to citizenship for immigrants is because many didn’t have a choice in their arrival. People such as these are children who were brought over to the United States with their families for a chance and promise of a better life. In an article named ‘Undocumented Immigrants’ it says, “These children have limited opportunities and potential for success. Many of these youth drop out of school and become disaffected, continuing the cycle of poverty. Those who do graduate high school find access to college limited, with few choices or funding opportunities. It is difficult to pursue options for legalization, and they can’t drive, vote or fully participate in the society in which they grew up.” Children who were brought to the United States when they were young had no choice but to go where their family went, and they grew up with the American culture and lived most of their lives in the country. Many of them can go on to face issues in their lives and face many setbacks in their attempts to succeed due to their status. All of this makes it difficult for them to live a proper life in a country they grew up in.

The opposing view as to why the United States should not provide an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants because they broke the law by arriving in the United States illegally. Britannica gives some pros and cons to the sides concerning undocumented immigrants. Among those cons it was stated, “Undocumented immigrants have broken the law that legal immigrants have followed and should not be rewarded for their crimes with the benefits of citizenship. Such actions incentivize lawbreaking.” This basically goes on to say that the presence of undocumented immigrants means an unlawful presence in the country of which was not authorized and that undocumented immigrants should not be rewarded with citizenship because they are breaking the law.

To summarize, although there are people who believe the United States should not provide an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, there are many of those who would disagree due to them being beneficial in the economy, close bonds with people in the United States, and because some had no choice in their arrival. The United States should make an easier pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants because of their contribution in the economy and involvement with the people of the United States.


List of sources in alpha order (at least 5)

Immigration - Path to Citizenship, Accessed 9 March 2024.

Jones, Kierra B. “Citizenship for Undocumented Immigrants Would Boost U.S. Economic Growth.” Center for American Progress, 14 June 2021, Accessed 8 March 2024.

Svajlenka, Nicole Prchal, and Claudia Flores. “Path to Citizenship: It Benefits All of Us.” Democracy Journal, Accessed 8 March 2024.

“Undocumented Americans.” American Psychological Association, Accessed 9 March 2024.

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