Should Abortion be a Constitutional Right? 

"Close to 10,000 additional babies were born over a nine-month period after Texas banned most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, a new analysis from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shows."

Add pictures to show the importance of addressing this issue.  Write a description under each picture. (DELETE ALL RED WRITING ONCE YOU ARE DONE. 

Summary of the problem

Write a summary of the problem you are researching. This should be in your own words entirely. If it looks plagiarized or copied from the internet, you will get no credit. 

List videos or posts about your topic? What does each video say? Why is each video credible? How is the video persuasive? 

Main Topics 

What are the main topics you are going to discuss in your research? 






Counter Argument

Write down one counterargument that you encounter that is opposite of your opinion. How is it accurate? How is it not?  

Results of your survey

Write the results of your survey. 

_____ of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that _____ . 

Interview Summary

Write a summary of your interviewee. What made them a credible source? What did they say generally? What was one memorable quote they shared? 

Your personal opinion

Title of your paper

Copy and paste your research paper here. 


List of sources in alpha order

Review Activity



Paper Quiz 

Coloring Pages 

