Should people in the U.S. get a mental health assessment in order to purchase a firearm?

The United States has had more than 494 million firearms in the market since 1899. 

Accidental shootings 

Guns come with a heavy price and if not correctly stored, it could lead to death. Many kids often end up charged and in jail because of these accidents. 


People all around the world struggle with deep seated depression and many of them seek out an escape from their untreated or unnoticed mental illness.  

Death due to disputes.

Many domestic disputes often lead to some sort of violence and with many cops and civilians who own guns many of these violent disputes end horribly.

Summary of the problem

The united states has always had a problem with guns and because of that many of the wrong people have been able to commit horribe acts. As we continue on into the future we should regulate them more or ban them from entering the hands of anyone not qualified. 


This video critisizes gun producers and sellers for only caring about there sales and the money that they get out of it rather than protecting the distrubition of them. 

Not banned

In the video President Obama answers a question posed by the audience and explains like any other thing that has caused mass tragedy that they should study and safegaurd and restrict guns more.

Mental health

In the video they talk about guns and mental health and how important it is to take care and provide people with the mental healthcare that they need. 

Main Topics 

Counter Argument

It goes against peoples second amendments rights. 

This argument is accurate because it brings the topic of having individuals be able to do things without the government restrictions or interference. On the other hand it's also not accurate because these laws can be changed and that the government would have a good reason as to implementing restrictions and measures against firearms for those who may pose a risk to themselves or others.

Results of your survey

 48 of 50 Curie High school students who were surveyed agreed that there should be a mental health assessment before being able to buy a gun. 

Interview Summary

The purpose of my interview was to gain more opinions and views on the matter. My interviewee was Ms. Guzman, she is a credible source since she is more educated and social. Ms. Guzman is an avid teacher at Curie Metro High school and their attitude throughout the interview was good. She knew a lot over the topic and was very educated and so when asked the question of what kind of challenges might be posed in trying to implement a mental health assessment she responded with "the second amendment would be a big one". She also expressed that it would be a good idea to try to implement a assessment but that it would probably take years. Overall the interview was a good way to get a new perspective on my question that allowed me to research more. 

Your personal opinion

My personal opinion is that mental health assessments should be implemented and that becasue of our violent history with guns that it would not only prevent suicides but possible impulsive unlawfall usage. So by doing this we allow that our society begin to change and feel safer. 

Mental health assessments for firearms

The United States has had more than 494 million firearms in the market since 1899. In the United States, with gun violence on the rise, suicide rates have also become more prolific. As one of the leading nations with the most firearms and highest suicide rates (Help therapy), the United States faces a crucial challenge in prioritizing mental health and gun control. (Illinois). While guns in the past were mostly for the military and not for civilian use, guns have become more accessible and dangerous for the public and the mentally ill with more deaths than ever being because of guns.(Statista). 26,328 thousand Americans are affected by firearm suicides that severely impacts the youth, their families and schools. (CDC). And research suggests that suicide by guns is a serious problem and with guns becoming very easily available to anybody with minimal checks, barriers in getting gun control measures secured becomes tougher. 

Efficacy of mental health assessments

Mental health assessments could allow for a more safer use of guns for individuals who are a danger to themselves or others due to mental illness. By incorporating this type of assessment into the process of buying a firearm we can start identifying people with mental illness and help prevent suicides, homicides, and accidental shootings. With over 500 accidental shootings leading to death a mental health assessment offers early intervention, support, and education on firearms safety practices. (EFSGV). Mental health assessments would also allow for the support of individuals experiencing undiagnosed or untreated mental illness. By successfully implementing these assessments into firearm purchases we can allow for the proper authorities to ensure these people get the proper help and resources they may need to support their mental health. This method promotes public safety and addresses mental health concerns that could potentially reduce the number of firearm related deaths and tragedies.(Verywell Mind).

The stigma and discrimination of mental health

Throughout history mental health has always been stigmatized creating harmful misconceptions and stereotypes such as being weak or violent. Individuals struggling with mental illness often get ostracized by society portraying them as weak and deepening the stigma making it more difficult for people facing these challenges to seek out help. By fostering an environment where discrimination and prejudice against mental illness persists we, as a result, make it more difficult for people to seek help and talk out on their issues fearing judgment at work, school, with family or relationships. (healthdirect).Furthermore, stigmatizing mental illness only leads to more deaths and violence not only against others but also onto people that suffer from mental illness. When people are denied access to appropriate support and treatment their mental health may deteriorate tragically, in some cases, outcomes such as suicide and acts of violence are more than likely to occur. Continuing harmful stereotypes may lead to discrimination, and further violence against those with mental illness.(APA).

Impact of education on firearms and suicide

 Gun education can help reduce suicides. By providing quality education on the safety of firearms we allow more people to appropriately handle, store, and use them. With education we can get people to recognize the risks associated with owning a firearm and help prevent accidents and reduce likelihood of death. We also allow people with mental illness to fully understand those risks and get the chance to seek out the help that they need. By doing so we open up discussions on mental health and ways to provide help. Additionally by offering these skills we all become open to the warning signs of mental illness and suicide. (TEA and AFSP).Furthermore gun education allows for a reduction of unintentional gun deaths or injuries. By educating people on the risks and consequences associated with firearms we allow for parents and other individuals to address safety with their family, themselves or their children. Ultimately by promoting this type of education we allow a community of resources, and knowledge to open up which creates a culture of safety and responsibility surrounding firearms and their consequences and by doing so we all contribute to saving lives from tragic incidents as a result of a firearm. (Explore).

Violation of 2nd amendment rights

Nevertheless, opposing experts argue that regulations such as mental health assessments for firearms could create an infringement upon individuals second amendment rights and that something like this could fuel further infringements on other constitutional rights. They argue that restricting guns could not only make it harder for law-abiding citizens to purchase guns but that it would make them vulnerable to criminals and violence that happens through illegally obtained guns. Therefore many of the opposing sides argue that we should instead focus on addressing the gun laws in place already and how to further prevent the violence caused by them. (TDU). While it’s important to recognize that protecting our second amendment rights is important, we should also take into account that gun ownership is much more than a political issue and should be treated as such. By implementing mental health assessments on gun purchases we add stricter criteria and measures to ensure the safety of anyone who feels like they want to harm themselves or others. We still allow access to firearms but make sure that we keep them out of the hands of someone that means harm. Furthermore by implementing reasonable regulations not only do we upkeep the second amendment but also the lives and safety of our communities. (ABCnews).


 As we come to the end I would like to remind you that the United states is a powerful country with firearms and suicide rates at the highest ever seen and we struggle with maintaining a regulated system on firearms, as well as ensuring that they are in the right hands. As a powerful nation among others we should have already figured out how to properly manage and distribute our firearms among the population. To properly address all these issues we should move forward with the idea of adding in more education to make the public aware of the dangers and signs of not only mental distress but firearms too. We should be ready to provide mental health support that not only is affordable but also available for all no matter where they are or what they may need. We should be open to new laws and regulations that advocates for closing loopholes in already existing gun laws and implementing laws that would allow for a temporary removal of firearms from people who may be facing suicidal thoughts, tendencies or who are in a crisis. By successfully taking these next steps we allow for a new environment to foster and for suicides, deaths, accidental injuries and gun violence to slowly diminish.


ABC News, ABC News Network, Accessed 13 Mar. 2024. 

Cassata, Cathy. “Should Mental Health Checks Be Required before Buying a Gun?” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 23 Jan. 2023, 

“Educate Gun Owners of Risks.” Everytown Research & Policy, 6 Feb. 2024,,injury%20among%20children%20and%20teens. 

“FastStats - Suicide and Self-Inflicted Injury.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 5 Dec. 2023, 

“An Introduction to Firearms and Suicide Prevention.” American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, 23 June 2023, 

Johnson, Mia. “Gun Education: Its Benefits and How to Do It.” The Earth Awards, 6 Oct. 2022, 

Lilyc. “Passing a Psychological Exam before Purchasing a Gun?” The Daily Universe, 26 Sept. 2012, 

“Mental Illness Stigma.” Healthdirect, Healthdirect Australia,,What%20are%20examples%20of%20mental%20illness%20stigma%3F,Stigma%20often%20involves%20inaccurate%20stereotypes. Accessed 13 Mar. 2024. 

O’Neill, Aaron. “Topic: History of Guns in the U.S.” Statista, Accessed 13 Mar. 2024. 

“Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination against People with Mental Illness.” Psychiatry.Org - Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination Against People with Mental Illness, Accessed 13 Mar. 2024. 

“Suicide Prevention.” Illinois Department of Public Health, Accessed 13 Mar. 2024. 

“Unintentional Shootings.” The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence, 21 Feb. 2021, 

Wagand, Sandra. “Mental Health Assessments for Gun Ownership.” Help Therapy, Help Therapy, 5 July 2022, 

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