Is there life after death?

"Death is not the end. It is the beginning . No one you are close to ever dies. There is life everlasting: there is no such thing as death... Death is not a termination but a transition..." ~ Georde Anderson

there are multiple ways to go after our imminent death but what most people want is to find peace and many people believe they find that in heaven many people who belive in heaven are religious because because they want to believe there is someone out there who is able to give eternal happiness and peace 

people have reported experiencing ghostly encounters or out-of-body experiences, which they believe provide evidence of an existence beyond the physical realm. However, the scientific community continues to explore and study these phenomena to better understand the nature of consciousness and the potential for experiences outside of the body.

many religious and spiritual beliefs propose the idea of life after death, the concept of repaying debts in the afterlife in order to live again is not  completely accepted or supported by all belief systems and views on the afterlife and the possibility of reincarnation vary depending

Summary of the problem

Many people deny there being the possibility of an afterlife weather that be reincarnation, heaven, hell, karma, or ghost and when asking why they don't believe in it they start blabbing about how there is no proof that it is real but when researching you can see there is no proof against it being real and life after death gives you a way to address the questions people have about the nature of existence, the meaning of life, and what may await us beyond our mortal existence  

Main Topics 

1: Reincarnation

2: Karma


4: Hell

5: Ghost

Counter Argument  

that there is no life after death that you simply die and that is the end that there are no ghost or karma because it doesn't make sense and that people do bad things and get away with it and while there is no proof that any of this is true there is also no proof that it isnt so when thinking about it there is a fair and equal chance that either argument can be right 

Results of your survey

77% of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that they believe there is life after death while 23% believe we just die

Interview Summary

my interviewee belived my main topics were both creepy and cool and had a personal story about a paranormal experience while she believes in most of my topics she didnt believe in karma yet doesn't care what other people chose to believe and when i asked what she she would like the after life to be for her she  responded with she wanted to be at peace with other people specifically her family 

Your personal opinion

i believe in all of my main topics and believe there is more to them then we can ever imagine but i also believe that there are some things that we have come up with that just don't seem completely believable in my opinion 

 Life After Death

Contemplating what happens after we die invites us to ponder the mysterious journey beyond our earthly existence.The question of life after death has had humanity in a state of curiosity for centuries. It poses a profound philosophical and existential dilemma, as various religious, cultural, and scientific perspectives offer conflicting viewpoints. While some believe in an afterlife governed by divine justice or cosmic balance, others argue for the  definitiveness of death. The contradictions in beliefs have fueled debates, shaped cultural practices, and influenced individual attitudes toward the unknown.Therefore, t There is life after death.

Over the centuries the concept of life after death has been nothing more than a belief or a myth. and  t Throughout history many people have created their own idea of what happens after death, some believing we simply just die and that's it, that there is no afterlife, others believing that there is a heaven and hell, while in some parts of the world they believe you are reborn and yet throughout history everyone has failed to prove such theories. b But right now there are many ideas and each and everyone one is plausible. No human has found concrete evidence for either side giving either side a chance to still prove its existence 

When you die your mind and soul go through a spiritual process of death, “There are multiple steps to dying in order for your soul to pass on” ("Life After Death Revealed – What Really Happens in the Afterlife." Spiritual Insights, Spiritual Insights Publishing, 8 March 2024) 

One of the steps is the amount of good and bad things you've done which lead up to the subtle body going to one of the 13 subtle planes of existence  ("Life After Death Revealed – What Really Happens in the Afterlife." Spiritual Insights, Spiritual Insights Publishing, 8 March 2024) sSo when your subtle body goes to another plane that isn't earth, that'searth that's when you have completely passed and your soul has passed to your chosen plane. 

There are different theories to the spiritual plane and according to "Life After Death Revealed – What Really Happens in the Afterlife." Spiritual Insights, Spiritual Insights Published, 8 March 2024 “There are 14 planes of existence and one of them is earth and the others are basically levels of heaven and hell having a “criteria” ” meaning the amount of good and bad things you do while you're living in the earth plane determines in which plane you're going to, 7 being positive and 7 being negative planes and earth being considered a positive plane. “Thethe orientation of spiritual practice is towards God-realization, which is the ultimate in spiritual growth.” ("Life After Death Revealed – What Really Happens in the Afterlife." Spiritual Insights, Spiritual Insights Publishing, 8 March 2024) So byso by doing good while on earth you will be allowed into the other 6 positive planes, however “all subtle bodies that go to any one of the planes of existence of Hell, by virtue of their evil intentions become ghosts.” ("Life After Death Revealed – What Really Happens in the Afterlife." Spiritual Insights, Spiritual Insights Publishing, 8 March 2024) sSo given that if you're a bad person and do bad on earth you will suffer the consequence of being a ghost, invisible and with possibly no one to talk to, you'll be alone. 

Religion is a big part of determining what you believe happens after death. Christians and Catholics usually believe in an afterlife, specifically you either go to heaven or hell and some might think just because Jesus is in their religion that “Because of Jesus, death is not the end.” ("What Happens After We Die." ComeUntoChrist, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, ), and yet “Nearly three-quarters of U.S. adults say they believe in heaven” (Pew Research Center. "Views on the Afterlife." Pew Research Center: Religion & Public Life, 23 Nov. 2021,). For non believers which is “17% who do not believe in any afterlife at all.” (Pew Research Center. "Views on the Afterlife." Pew Research Center: Religion & Public Life, 23 Nov. 2021,) are the ones who either can't decide a religion or just have no religion.

Although some may say that there is no such thing as an afterlife or anything beyond death and speculate that we are all alone in this world, they have yet to scientifically prove that theory. Although we have failed to prove that there is an afterlife, there is still hope that many other people share., “One-in-six Americans do not believe in any afterlife”  (Pew Research Center. "Views on the Afterlife." Pew Research Center: Religion & Public Life, 23 Nov. 2021,) which means five out of six Americans do believe in some kind of afterlife and have faith that there is something after we pass away and more beyond what we know is true.

  There is life after death,  people are entitled to their own opinion but there is no denying there is something beyond us, beyond death, and that there is no possible way we are alone in this world. People should open up their mind to the possibility of something new, something with a greater power and believe there is more than just death.


"Life After Death." Big Think,

"Life After Death Revealed – What Really Happens in the Afterlife." Spiritual Insights, Spiritual Insights Publishing, 8 March 2024,

Pew Research Center. "Views on the Afterlife." Pew Research Center: Religion & Public Life, 23 Nov. 2021,

"What Happens After Death?" Psychology Today, 2022,

"What Happens After We Die." ComeUntoChrist, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,