Should people start to romantize their life to help their mental health? 

In this article, The Mundane Thrill of ‘Romanticizing Your Life’ , it states that romanticizing your life intersects with mindfulness and can help you become more in tune with yourselves. 

Romanticizing your life can help you have a better mindset in life.

You can also start to love yourself and have motivation to do things.

The mindfulness can  reduce symptoms of anxiety, depression, and irritability

Summary of your Problem

  In 2023, 29.0% of people suffered from severe depression. There are 29% of teenagers that have poor mental health. And so a technique teenagers can do to help them in some way is romanticizing their life. It can help you to build ways to love yourself and be grateful for the things you have around you. 

In this video, it explains on how you shcould challenge yourself and embrace your mistakes. 

In this video, it give you tips on how to romanticize the little things.

In this video, it gives you tips on how to romanticize school and achieve being a "perfect" student.

Main Topics

Counter Argument

Some experts say that romanticizing your life can lead you to feel disillusioned with, and even afraid of, the mundane.(McKeown) What we do know is that it can give you a positive outlook in life and will help you become a better version of yourself. Even in this article it states, “A Brown University study demonstrated the benefits of incorporating practices of mindfulness into college students’ lives. It’s shown to decrease stress and symptoms of depression and improve quality of sleep.” (Caron) It can truly make you feel more at ease and allow you to concentrate better at work or school. Furthermore, you don't have to worry about things as much.

Results of your survey

  95% of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that people should romanticize their life to help their mental health

Interview Summary

David Calvario is the person I interviewed, and his credibility as a teenager dealing with stress. He added that generally speaking, it's a good thing for people to do since they can view life through different lenses and appreciate it more. He has also tried to romanticize his life by appreciating the things that are available to him. One of his most notable quotes is that romanticizing your life is the same as adopting a new perspective on life, growing in gratitude, and discovering joy in the little things in it. 

My personal opinion

I think that romanticizing your life can help because you can get many benefits from it like loving yourself, improving your mental health, and just in general it can improve yourself.  

Should people romanticize their life to help their mental health?

   In 2023, 29.0% of people suffered from severe depression. There are 29% of teenagers that have poor mental health. A technique teenagers can do to help them in some way is romanticizing their life. It can help you to build ways to love yourself and be grateful for the things you have around you. People should romanticize their life to help their mental health.  

    At the beginning of the pandemic, the phrase "romanticizing your life" was used. Teenagers had to remain at home and go through the same routine every day as they were not allowed to go out and hang out with friends. In an attempt to encourage teenagers to appreciate the small things in life, the phrase "romanticizing your life" started trending on social media. "Romanticizing your life" refers to living in the moment and having a positive outlook on life. It also means that you're making an effort to be more in touch with your thoughts, emotions, and actions throughout the day. Research says that romanticizing your life can help improve our moods, relationships, sleep, and patience. If you keep on romanticizing your life, it can build new mental pathways that make it simple for you to view the world with greater confidence.

    Your mental health will improve from romanticizing your life. This article states that it may reduce stress, decrease depressive symptoms, improve sleep quality, and increase levels of physical activity (Caron). People can accomplish more at work or school and have less stress as a result, which is a positive achievement. Furthermore, it teaches kids self-awareness and builds a sense of joy in the little things. Thoughts of romanticizing their lives can also be helpful because many people struggle with self-love and self-understanding.  It also states in the article that, “Becoming the main character is also a way of creating a more authentic self, and making space for who you are.”(Caron) You are able to gain some control over your life by trying to be the main character, which is an example of letting your actions determine the narrative. Enjoy life and try not to overthink things.

    Learning how to love yourself and discovering new sides of yourself can be achieved by romanticizing your life. According to this article it states, “Shifting your mindset and starting to actively enjoy little things in your life will do wonders for your mental health and self-love.” (Mane) This explains why it's possible to love yourself because you begin to discover what you enjoy doing and you begin to see yourself differently, eventually coming to value who you are. You can forget about all of your worries and feel more at ease if you simply adjust the way you view life and yourself. In this other article it also states that, “With better self-awareness and gratitude for what you have each day, you will become happier.” (Perry) By focusing on yourself, you can stop worrying about what other people think of you. You could find yourself more assured and at ease with yourself as an impact of this. It's important to focus on making yourself appear beautiful for you rather than aiming to look beautiful for other people.

    It is easier to find gratitude and appreciate every moment of life when you romanticize it. In this quote it states that, “Romanticization is based on the principle of gratitude and helps us to notice the goodness that already exists in our lives.” (Micallef) Rather than taking for granted what is in front of us, we need to give ourselves freedom to be grateful for it. You don't have to have a negative outlook toward everything all the time. You are capable of trying to find positive aspects of your day, even if it wasn't the best. Furthermore, you shouldn't allow just one small incident ruin your lovely day. Another quote that supports this states, “Similarly, it overlaps with the intentions of mindfulness, encouraging us to live in the present.” (Micallef) It's possible to feel happy just by showing gratitude to those around you. It may simply motivate us to fully embrace life. You must acknowledge that goodness exists in both your life and the lives of others. Rather, express gratitude for everything in your life.

    Although some experts may say that romanticizing your life can lead you to feel disillusioned with, and even afraid of, the mundane. (McKeown) What we do know is that it can give you a positive outlook in life and will help you become a better version of yourself. Even in this article it states, “A Brown University study demonstrated the benefits of incorporating practices of mindfulness into college students’ lives. It’s shown to decrease stress and symptoms of depression and improve quality of sleep.” (Caron) It can truly make you feel more at ease and allow you to concentrate better at work or school. Furthermore, you don't have to worry about things as much.

    People with mental illnesses should romanticize their lives. Given the positive advantages this coping mechanism could be helpful, and more therapists should talk about it with their clients. This coping mechanism may not be for everyone but you should at least give it a try and be the main character of your life.


Caron, Christina. “The Mundane Thrill of ‘Romanticizing Your Life.’” The New York Times, 22 June 2023,

Jarvis, Elise. “Romanticizing Life: Just a Trend?” The Heights, 26 Mar. 2023, 

MariceMane. “Why You Should Start Romanticizing Your Life | by MariceMane | Medium | ILLUMINATION.” Medium, 19 Sept. 2022,

McKeown, Emma. “You Have to Stop Romanticizing Your Life: How Social Media Impacts Our Realities — Polis Media.” Polis Media, 20 Dec. 2021,

Micallef, Kate. “Reasons to Romanticize Your Routine.” The Michigan Daily, 19 Oct. 2023,

Perry, Elizabeth. “How to Enjoy Life: Explained.” BetterUp, 9 Sept. 2022,

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