Do you think our future is already planned?

Write an attention getter device such as a quote, a shocking statistic or a story. (Delete the red writing when you are done.)


Because of your religion and culture since you were born your life is already predetermined. You could be born anywhere  but you were born in that exact place and date. For example in Mexico back then if you were a women in a young age you had to get married and have kids, so since you are in the belly your future it will be already planned, you are just their to experience it.     


The movie Wall-e is a great example, so many people think that is just a movie . But what happen if this becomes our world. NASA is triying to discover if we can live in space because the most probably is that in the future they wouldn't be a world for humans.  Like for example right know a lot of animals are gone, and for sure our plants are going to be gone too. Also we are inventing a bunch of stuff that may finish our world.


Summary of the problem

I notice that a lot of people don't acre about what it may happen in the future and how it could damage us.


The simpsons Predicitons

Simpsons is a TV show really old but also really known,Is famouse because of the type of humore it has but also because of their predictions. In a lot of episodes of the Simpsons we can see that they predicted a lot of things like the AI, Trump winning the election, and more. What i thnk of this situacion is it was actually predicted? or maybe people that may work with the goverment are doing this show and making us try to give us signals of what it may happen in the future.


Sometimes i think that movies are trying to telling us something, for me movies are not just movies to entretainment, for me is like trying to give some massage it could be about life, or for other thing but i think that with some movies that talk about the future I think they are trying to give us a massage.

Main Topics 

1 advanced technology can know what is happening in the future

2 Egyptians predicitng the future

3 Prediction of the simpsons

4 Government hiding us stuff

5 Movies predicitng the future

Counter Argument


So many people think that is ridiculous that the future it may be planned because it depends on you. It's like next move is decided in uncounteble time. Also other people that don't agree they think that we have multiple paths on our life and we decided to choose one so our future it depends on us.

Results of your survey

___75%__ of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that the future is already planned_____ . 

Interview Summary

The purpose on my interviwe is to know and see what the other people think about the future. A lot of people have a lot and different perspectives of the future and i found it really interesting.I talked about how they thought that the future may look or if they think that the future is could be planned already for us. Mostly of the answers were yes that the humans and the technology may affect and planned the future, it dosen't matter if it affects us or if it makes a good. Also something that i talked in my interview it was about controlling ,thanks for the technology they have all the control of us humans, also is more esier to plan the future because we are been distracted because of our phones. 

Your personal opinion

 I think that the future was already lived, because the egyptians already used the advanced technology that we are using right now, also the government already are using also the advanced tecnology the only thing is that they hide from us and some thecnology maybe they would show it in the future. They give us this distractions so they can continue controlling us and continue with their plans.Also I feel that they are a lot of proofs in our saroundings of the future but we don't notice.

Is the future already planned?

 There are a lot of opinions about the future that are already planned or that it depends 

on what you do in your present. There are so many theories that the Egyptians knew what was 

gonna happen in the future based on astronomical observations and interpretations of omens. 

Also according to Einstein's theory of relativity, the future is out there, waiting for us-all times, 

past, present and future, preexisting and permanent in a static four-dimensional space-time. On a 

metaphysical level, whether our future is predestined or open, whether we have the freedom to 

shapingshape it as we wish, is still a matter of debate among scientists and philosophers. Sometimes, of 

course, we can be reasonably confident that some future events are inevitable. Predictions about 

the way in which our lives will change thanks to advances in science and technology are spread 

across that wide expanse between the inevitable and the utterly unforeseen. And as it continue 

the years their it will be more easieresear ways to know what it may happened in the future thanks for 

advancedthe advanced technology.

                 It also undeniably true that the implementation of new technologies, whether in AI, 

robotics, genetics, Geo engineering, or nanotechnology, to name but a few exciting current areas 

of rapid advancement, must be carefully considered and debated. We cannot afford to allow 

ourselves to be propelled headlong into an unknown future without carefully exploring the 

implications, both ethical and practical, of our discoveries and their applications. Many examples 

come to mind, such as the way robots are already beginning to replace humans in the workplace, 

how we can best guard against cyber terrorism, or the way we use up our natural resources while 

destroying habitats and threatening the ecosystem as the world's population grows both size and 

greed. (Sorce?) But I am painting a bleak picture, and our future need not look like that.

                 People have different ways of thinking about the future, they think that the future is 

already planned by the government with the advanced technology they have. They can actually 

see the Future How it may look for them and for us or if we may still exist. Or just some people 

think that  that happened because of what they did in their past. But  I noticed that a lot of people 

didn't think about that Egyptians they predicted a lot of things like for example the Wi-Fi they 

also predicted the computers, cell phones . Also what I reachsearch it repeated that maybe the 

Egyptians already had that technology advanced that we have right now and that's how they 

build their pyramids. Also if this is real then the Egyptians already lived the future, instead of 

going Forward we are going backwards “The earliest examples of predictions about the future 

can be found in ancient civilization. For example, the 

Babylonians and Egyptians made predictions about the future based on astronomical 

observations and 

interpretations of omens.” People also say that the omens known the Egyptians they are so many 

theories about this that is that the omens were the ones that helped the Egyptians with the 

pyramids. Because a lot of people would question how did they build the pyramid because back 

then they didn't have the tools to do that.

                 Another really famous theory about why the future could be planned or that they 

predicted is about the Simpson. Simpson is a TV Show created in 1989, and this show is about 

comedy, a family that they always fight or the father has problems with, it has become a really 

known show. The years we're passing and every time it will become more famous but nothing 

because of their comedy is because of their predictions, they predicted a lot of this that happened 

in real life. For example they predicted the pandemic and other things like “ 22 times 'The 

Simpsons' accurately predicted the future. "The Simpsons" has built a reputation for predicting 

the future. The show predicted the election of Donald Trump. A 2016 episode also seemed to 

predict Apple's 

Vision Pro virtual reality headset.” Said Jason Guarrasio, these are some examples that they 


                  In other ways, the future can unfold in completely unexpected ways.  culture is so 

rich and varied 

that very often events happen in ways no one could have predicted . So, while there will have 

been a few who foretold Donald Trump's US election victory in 2016,none can(this far) predict 

when and where the next big natural disaster may be an earthquake or a flood might 

strike.“Future depends on what you do in your present. So, I would say, when you do something, 

it will definitely 

reflect on your future, so it gets written somewhere.” some people think that is not planned it 

depends on what did you did and what did you did not do in your present and that can affect your 



               This question can be confused but I think that is actually a really good think to learn 

about like for example learning of is actually planned or to see the different opinions of this 

question, I think that I learn about nut not only about what it may happening in the present I also 

learn about the past when the Egyptians were alive and how they could predict some of the 

things that they taught it may happened in the future, also I  about the future that it can be a lot of 

things even things that you didn't see coming. Also at first I didn't know that the 

Egyptians predicted Wi-Fi,cell phones and computers. Is actually amazing how they predicted a 

lot of things and also the way they lived back then is amazing because they would dream about 

what may happen in the future and also they would have to learn how to connect the stars to 

predict the future. 




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