should we still try and stop climate change?

" We are the first generation to feel the impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something about it."- Barack Obama

Fossil fuels 

Fossil fuels make up 80% of the worlds energy but they create pollution and cause global warming by releasing greenhouse gasses.


Deforestations can cause climate change, increases risk for zoonotic diseases, and affects ecosystems. Deforestation has caused many animals to go extinct throughout the years.

Climate Change

Climate change is one of the biggest problems in the world that can cause extreme storms, global warming, and can cause crops to not grow causing people to have bad nutrition. 

Summary of the problem

Climate change is  harming peoples health through air pollution, causing diseases , extreme weather events, negative effects on mental health, and increased hunger and poor nutrition in places where people cannot grow food.

This video talks about all the effects climate change has had on the world. Then it talks about possible solutions we can do to stop climate change.

This video talks about that climate change and how many people are trying to fix it. It also talks about what is causing climate change and how its increasing faster than before.

This video talks about why we should care about climate change how it could not only affect humans but also any other living thing .

Main Topics 

Counter Argument

We shouldn't stop climate change because it's already too late and people and animals are dying.  This is not true because studies show that maybe  in 2029  temperatures won't be able to stay below a certain temperature and it will be too late. And we can still try to stop climate change because even though the changes are irreversible we can still stop temperatures from increasing even more.

Results of your survey

Write the results of your survey. 

____80%_ of Curie High School students who were surveyed agreed that __we should still try a and stop climate change___ . 

Interview Summary

This person said that we should still try to stop climate change because its slowly affecting our every day lives. This person is credible because they play volleyball outside and have experienced the weather conditions. They said that sometimes they can't go outside and play because the weather is too harsh or too warm.

Your personal opinion

Yes we should still try and stop climate change  because if we start releasing less greenhouse gases into the air, global temperatures will start to decrease and begin to regulate throughout the years.

Should We Try To Stop Climate Change?

Burning fossil fuels has caused extreme weather changes throughout the years. Climate change is  now causing the world to warm up faster than ever in history. Climate change is having a negative effect on our health and food systems. What would happen if we don’t do something now? We should try and stop climate change by changing to renewable energy sources and conserving forests because it's harming people and can lead to their death.

Climate change has been happening since the 1800s because of humans burning fossil fuels and taking down forests. The rate of climate change is increasing three times as fast per decade since the 1980s. It was in 1896 that Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius predicted that carbon dioxide can affect the temperature later on in 1938 Guy Callendar put together that increasing carbon dioxide causes global warming. This has been causing glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise throughout the world. Source? 

To stop climate change we need to stop using fossil fuels as a source of energy and start using renewable energy. In the article “What Are the Causes of Climate Change?” It states, “At the root of climate change is the phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect, the term scientists use to describe the way that certain atmospheric gasses “trap” heat that would otherwise radiate upward, from the planet’s surface, into outer space.” This shows that fossil fuels are the ones contributing to climate change because they  release greenhouse gasses that trap heat making the earth warmer . Also in “How Do Governments Combat Climate Change?” It states, “To decrease emissions, around two-thirds of U.S. states have implemented clean energy standards—laws that encourage utility companies to generate a certain percentage of their electricity from low-emission energy sources, such as solar or wind power.” This proves that switching to renewable energy will help stop climate change because it decreases the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.

Also to try and stop climate change we need to stop deforestation and rebuild forests. In the article “What is the role of deforestation in climate change and how can 'Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation' (REDD+) help?” (2023) it states, “Deforestation refers to the purposeful clearing or thinning of trees and forests. When deforestation occurs, much of the carbon stored by trees is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change.” This proves that deforestation leads to climate change by releasing carbon dioxide that causes temperatures to rise. The text also states, “As a result of deforestation and degradation, some tropical forests now emit more carbon than they capture, turning them from a carbon ‘sink’ into a carbon source. For example, the south-eastern part of the Amazon Rainforest is now considered a net carbon source by scientists.” This shows that deforestation is causing forests to release heat rather than capturing it leading to global warming. Finally the text states, “The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates that around 420 million hectares of forest were lost between 1990 and 2020” This proves that to try and stop climate change we need to stop deforestation because it was in between those years that climate change rate was the fastest. 

Climate change is having negative effects on people's health and mental health that can lead to their death. The article  “Climate Impacts on Human Health” states, “Changing water temperatures mean that waterborne Vibrio bacteria and harmful algal toxins will be present in the water or in seafood at different times of the year, or in places where they were not previously threats” and “Higher air temperatures can increase cases of Salmonella and other bacteria-related food poisoning because bacteria grow more rapidly in warm environments. These diseases can cause gastrointestinal distress and, in severe cases, death.” This proves that climate change is affecting our health by adding more bacteria to our water sources.This is killing people by increasing stomach illnesses and causing diseases. The article also states, “Individuals with mental illness are especially vulnerable to extreme heat; studies have found that having a pre-existing mental illness tripled the risk of death during heat waves.” This shows that extreme weather is negatively impacting people's health and increasing people's deaths. Extreme weather causes a lot of stress on people which can drain a person out.

In conclusion, we should try and stop climate change by changing to renewable energy sources and conserving forests because it's harming people and can lead to their death. Fossil fuels and deforestation are big factors in climate change because they trap heat causing global warming. Fossil fuels are 80% of the world's energy and they release greenhouse gasses which trap heat in the atmosphere. Deforestation causes trees to release carbon dioxide which also causes global warming. And climate change is causing diseases because it's increasing bacteria found in our water and food.


“Causes and Effects of Climate Change | United Nations.” the United Nations, Accessed 21 May 2024.

“How We Know What We Know about Climate Change.” NASA+, 20 April 2024, Accessed 21 May 2024.

“Is it too late to prevent climate change?” NASA Science, Accessed 21 May 2024.

Nunez, Christina, and Paul Nicklen. “Why deforestation matters—and what we can do to stop it.” National Geographic, Accessed 21 May 2024.

Resnick, Brian. “The biodiversity crisis, explained.” Vox, 9 December 2019, Accessed 21 May 2024.