Should Tech Advance More In The U.S As It Has In Other Parts Of The World?

Any Sufficiently Advanced Technology is Indistinguishable From Magic- Arthur C. Clarke

Advanced Tech

New tech advancement in China. Citizens are now able to pay for train rides with their hands!

Robotic Tech

Scientists in the United States are now starting to create robots that are able to preform surgery. They say that it may even be more precise than actual human proffesionals.

Artificial Intelligence 

This advancement has increased a huge amount during the past years and it keeps getting trickier. Most humans cannot tell the difference between real and artificial intelligence. This can play tricks in ones mind. People are concerned with this.

Summary of the problem

The increase of the advancement in technology is very debatable whether or not the environment in the United States is good enough in order for it to keep growing as it has in many other countries. 

Main Topics 

Counter Argument

Although most students in Curie High School say, “Tech should be advanced in the US because it can drive innovation, create job opportunities, and improve various aspects of our lives. It can lead to advancements in healthcare, transportation, communication, and more. Plus, it helps the US stay competitive on the global stage”. The United States needs to become more united and organized when it comes to this because majority of the people will take advantage of what is given to them. It can happen all around the world but not as often as in the U.S. 

Results of your survey

Majority of students that surveyed chose that the United States should advance more as other countries around the world. Only 29.4% voted no 


The purpose of my interview is to get a little more info on the response my interviewee made. My interviewee is my friend Mia and she is a suitable candidate to interview because she gave a valid response to the survey question. Mia is a student at Curie Metro High School, she’s currently a junior. The overall attitude of my candidate was very positive and confident. She knew what she was talking about and wasn't really struggling with answering the questions. The most important questions asked were if she how she feels about tech advancing in the United States and she said that the advancement of tech was ironic that it may seem like cool to live in a country that's currently in the process of advancing more in tech but in reality if you really take a look there's still multiple homeless and poor people living in the U.S so she thinks the money going into advancements should be going into the more useful needs for the environment before actually making more tech and pricing it very high because with inflation right now it doesn't help that these devices are expensive. It wont be beneficial to many people if they cant afford. I learned that many people have different views on this question but the more valid one is that we should wait and better our environment before anything more major.

Personal opinion

I believe that we shall advance technology as soon as everything is more stable in the United States. There's just so much chaos going around us at the moment that there's no reason to create unessasary technology. As long as its really beneficial to us then its acceptable.

Should tech advance more in the U.S as it has in other parts of the world?

The United States has advanced its tech around 50% in the past 20 years. And about 80 billion dollars spent on tech a year. The increase of the advancement in technology is very debatable whether or not the environment in the United States is good enough in order for it to keep growing as it has in many other countries. 

Ever since the 1990’s the use of technology has been low. In the 1990s there was around 16 million users of technology but now it has increased to around 300 million users in the United States. Thats almost all the population. The more technology advances the more money is put into creating more. Putting money into technology seems to be more of a main priority compared to issuing money to needs like homelessness, healthcare, violence etc.

Americans cant handle new technology. The United States shouldnt start advancing as much as other countries yet. For example, in Japan there is multiple unattended stores all around. No workers, just technology: “A convenience store has introduced new technology that eliminates the need for staff” (Kogetsu, 2019). In other words, these unattended stores are becoming more of the future in Japan because of their society. Without there being a stable society there would be none of this. Japan’s citizens are more responsible and strict with handling new technology like this. In the United States the government tends to be more sloppy because of all the issues that eventually get let go easily.  Focusing more on fixing what is getting out of hand is a better path than creating more for the unprepared. Lastly, another country that very well known for its tech manageable society: “South Korea appears to have the right mix for an unmanned retail revolution. The country is known for its swift embrace of technology, widespread adoption of cashless payments, well-developed urban centers and relatively low crime rate” (Yoon, 2023). Lastly, another country that very well known for its tech manageable society: “South Korea appears to have the right mix for an unmanned retail revolution. The country is known for its swift embrace of technology, widespread adoption of cashless payments, well-developed urban centers and relatively low crime rate” (Yoon, 2023). Another reason why Americans are not ready to handle new advanced technology is because of crime rates and related violence issues. Violence in the United States happens every 26.3 seconds according to the article “Where Crime Happens”. So it would be completely unorganized and chaotic to put this advanced technology in the U.S. The store would end up robbed in a few seconds.

Technology will slowly start replacing people in workspaces which can then affect the people, citizens have to be prepared before the advancement. In the United States, technology is both helping but can cause more harm with leaving people jobless: “Emerging Technology keep advancing. These developments can improve things like speed and quality but with this is can also start replacing multiple workers”(West, 2017). Therefore, this shows that tech can possibly take a few jobs opportunities away. The more money thats put into technology the more chance there is to create more ways to become lazy. In order to create more of this the country needs to be stable and able to handle and adapt well to new changes. Advancing while many are still behind and struggling with major issues just damages citizens even more by not being able to receive help while the increase of technology and similar issues are being dealt with. Lastly, the more advanced tech gets in the United States the more it can interfere with money problems for citizens: “In a number of fields, technology is substituting for labor, and this has dramatic consequences for middle-class jobs and incomes”(West, 2017). Importantly, what this quote presents is that increasement of technology usually just creates bigger and greater creations which then increases the value of it. Tech will keep becoming more expensive and with the problem of inflation thats currently taking place, it will keep becoming worse for citizens to obtain. And with the growing increase of AI it can outpass the human intelligence to the point people might not be needed.

Although most students in Curie High School say, “Tech should be advanced in the US because it can drive innovation, create job opportunities, and improve various aspects of our lives. It can lead to advancements in healthcare, transportation, communication, and more. Plus, it helps the US stay competitive on the global stage”. The United States needs to become more united and organized when it comes to this because majority of the people will take advantage of what is given to them. It can happen all around the world but not as often as in the U.S. 

 The advancement in technology in the United States will keep advancing and the citizens are  not ready enough to handle it. The world is slowly but rapidly changing, the government has left it all up to the citizens to properly manage themselves during these difficult times. It can all be resolved with more funding from the government in order to properly face the actual major issues to then be relaxed and enjoy future creations of technology.


Work Cited

Darrell M. West  Brookings Institution, et al. “Technological Progress and Potential Future Risks.” OpenMind, Accessed 8 Mar. 2024. 

Kogetsu. “Is This the Future? How to Use Unattended Convenience Stores.” MATCHA, MATCHA, 25 Dec. 2019, 

Min-sik, Yoon. “Human-Free Retail Is Not Risk-Free.” The Korea Herald, The Korea Herald, 18 July 2023, 

“1960s – 1990s: Internet.” Elon University,,new%20Internet%2Drelated%20business%20concerns. Accessed 8 Mar. 2024.