Jennifer LaBombard

LaBombard Open House 2020.mp4

I became a teacher because of the great teachers I had growing up! There were a few inspirational teachers in particular that really changed my perspectives for the better and had a lasting impact on me as a person. I wanted an opportunity to do that for someone too. Don't get me wrong, I didn't get along with all of my teachers as a kid, and I know there will always be some students that don't particularly care for me either (or for science). My hope is that I can connect with as many students as possible and maybe change some of their opinions and help them learn to love and appreciate science the way I do :)

Science & Alternative Energy

Co-taught with Mr. Arseneault

Science & Alt En Open House (1).mpg

On the weekends I love spending time with my family. I have 2 young energetic boys at home that are always looking for someone to play tickle monster, go for a bike ride, dig in the dirt, find bugs, etc. My husband and I enjoy camping with the kids and just relaxing together and with friends. I love to experiment with new cooking recipes and there are always the occasional Netflix binge sessions on rainy days.