Amy Hopkins

Hopkins Open House

Why I became a teacher...I love science and I love to learn new things, so originally I thought would move on into scientific research. However, after a few years in both a virology lab and a toxicology lab, I realized that research was too isolating, competitive, and political for my liking. I knew that I wanted to stay in science and I recalled a high school biology teacher who had really challenged me to think, not just memorize, biological concepts. With her in mind, I chose to go into education and have never regretted that decision! Being an educator guarantees that I will be challenged every day, I will never be bored, and I will continually be learning new things.

On Saturday, you'll find me...walking or biking with family or friends along the Airline Trail, gardening, cooking, or reading a good book. I save lesson planning, grading, cleaning, shopping and laundry for other days!