TCA Bear Buzz

Quick Links

Daily Schedule

A/B Track

8:00 am - 2:30 pm


K-6th grade

Period 1: 8:30-9:45 am

Period 2: 9:50-11:20 am

Period 3: 12:15-1:25 pm

Period 4: 1:30-2:45 pm

7-8th grade

Period 1: 8:15-9:30 am

Period 2: 9:35-11:10 am

Period 3: 11:20-12:40 pm

Period 4: 1:25-2:45 pm

Week of October 11, 2021


October 19-22 - Unity Week - WEAR ORANGE!


November 2-3 - Unit 2 Bear Lunch - Panda Express

November 9-12 - No C'lectives all week

November 11 - Veteran's Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL

November 12 - Unit 2 Field Trip Day - Fleet Science Center

November 12 - No B track workshop (field trip or homeschool day)

November 22-26 - Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL


December 14 - 5th Grade BizTown (pre-registration required)

December 16 - January 3 - Winter Break - NO SCHOOL 

Unit 2 Bear Lunch - Panda Express

Our Unit 2 lunch days are Tuesday, November 2 and Wednesday, November 3, 2021. 

Meals come in 2 sizes (kid's meal or bowl) and include an entree/side (choose from: teriyaki chicken & rice or orange chicken & rice), a cookie and a bottle of water.

CLICK HERE to order

Please note: NO CASH WILL BE COLLECTED ON UNIT LUNCH DAY! If you do not pay when you complete the Permission Click form, your order will not be complete and your student will not receive lunch. 

*** The last day to place your order is Friday, Ocotber 29th. ***

If you have any questions, please call the front office at (760) 546-0101.

Unit 2 Field Trip - Fleet Science Center

On Friday, November 12th, join other TCA families at the Fleet Science Center in Balboa Park. 

Participants will be viewing the IMAX film Into America's Wild as well as have access into the hands-on exhibitions and activities that the Science Center has to offer. Here is a list of the Fleet Science Center current exhibitions. Please note that TCA families will be among the first people to view two brand new exhibitions which will be opening on 11/12: Digital Me and Mechanics Alive!

CLICK HERE to sign up

(Ticket sales open on Monday, 10/11/2021.)

Important Field Trip Reminders:

Wear Orange for Unity Week - 10/19-22

In your school, community, or online, wake up your world to bullying prevention! Color it ORANGE during Unity Week October 19-22. 

We want you and everyone in your community – face-to-face and online – to learn how to create safer schools, so join us and students across the world to make everything ORANGE! Make your whole world ORANGE on Unity Day and send the message everywhere that no one deserves to be bullied.

Drop-off and pick-up reminders for parents...

Daily Engagement Tracking

Due to new legislation, the school needs to track student engagement on a daily basis. We will be doing this through a Google Form, called a “Learning Engagement Record.” Your teacher of record will be sending this form to you weekly. 

You will simply click YES or NO for each day and submit the form once per week. Completing the form will take less than one minute. 

This is something that has to be done on a weekly basis and is not optional. 

Thank you for your help with this!

The Bee Kind! Corner

Throughout this school year, students will be featured in the Bee Kind! Corner for above and beyond acts of kindness. We choose kindness every day here at TCA!

Has your student demonstrated extra kindness? We want to celebrate our students as they go above and beyond to be kind to others!

Please complete THIS FORM to nominate your child. 

Benny Altar - KN A

Benny is so sweet to everyone in our class. He makes sure that everyone is included and feels special. He started something in our class that we do every day now. He says goodbye to every student as they leave and he got the whole class to participate with him, so every student feels important as they leave at the end of the day. Because of Benny's thoughtfulness, every child leaves with a smile. 

Nominated by: Mrs. Boshaw

Matteo Cocchia - KN B

Matteo is so helpful in class. He helps his classmates and cleans up after other people without being asked. He is always on task and encourages his classmates to be on task as well. He is so considerate to everyone and is the first one to make sure that someone is okay when they get hurt.  

Nominated by: Mrs. Boshaw

Aubrey Clifford - KN B

Aubrey’s been going above and beyond being kind to her younger siblings. When her little sister desperately wanted the specific pair of socks that Aubrey was already wearing, Aubrey took one off and gave it to her. If I’m in the middle of a task and the baby gets upset Aubrey will go over and talk gently to her or show her a book or toys. These are just a few examples of what a very kind and thoughtful girl she is. 

Nominated by: Angela Clifford

Micah Leotaud - KN B

In the classroom and at play time, Micah is always kind and friendly to his peers. 

Nominated by: Mrs. Pillsbury

Johnson Moores - 2A

During reading groups, Johnson demonstrates kindness by constantly encouraging and using positive words with his peers.

Nominated by: Mrs. Fogleman

Kiera Schwarz - 2C

Kiera knows that her older sister loves reading. Today, Kiera decided to spend her own money on a new book for her sister, just to bring her joy. We are so proud of Kiera’s kindness and generosity! 

Nominated by: Erinn Schwarz

Lydia Winter - 3B

Lydia always demonstrates kindness during recess and lunch. She is kind to her peers when playing games and on the playground and is always showing compassion and empathy to others. 

Nominated by: Mrs. Pillsbury

Liana Castro - 8C

What a great student and friend! Liana has a huge heart for people and her family. She gets praise from Mrs. Sullivan about her promptness and thoroughness in her assignments. She is kind hearted and will go out of her way to make sure that her friends feel safe and are included. 

Nominated by: Mrs. Ferkins

TCA & CAMS Musical Theater presents: Seussical Jr.

(6-8th graders only)

Sign up NOW until Wednesday, October 27th at 3:00pm.


Announcement of Lottery results will be emailed no later than October 29th, 2021 at 8:00pm.

MANDATORY PARENT MEETING (via zoom): Monday, November 8, 4:00pm-5:30pm. Details will be emailed prior to meeting.

AUDITIONS: Monday, November 29, 2021, 9:00am-6:00pm

CALLBACKS: By invitation only: Thursday, December 2, 3:30pm-8:00pm

FIRST REHEARSAL: Monday, December 6, 2021

Seussical Performances

Thursday, March 17, 2022, 9:00am and 11:30am (school shows) and 6:00pm

Friday, March 18, 2022, 4:00pm & 7:30pm

Saturday, March 19, 2022, 12:00pm, 4:00pm & 7:30pm

Sunday, March 20, 2022, 2:00pm & 5:30pm


Attendance required at ALL rehearsals (one excused absence allowed prior to February 17th, 2022) - Mondays 11:00am-4:00pm, Tuesdays 3:30pm-5:30pm, Wednesday 3:30pm-5:30pm, some Thursdays 3:30pm-5:30pm (generally a few weeks prior to Tech Week)

Homeschool Heroes

Attention all families! We have a new parent mentoring program for all of our families. Whether your child is on A, B or C track, there is help for you! Ever feel like you need an experienced homeschooling parent to chat with, vent to or seek advice from? Feel bad about asking too many questions of your workshop teacher, ES or front office staff? We have the most fabulous veteran homeschooling moms ready to take your questions, help you relax as you take on this journey, give you advice, and tricks of the trade to make this journey a fun one! Feel free to reach out to the Hero for your student's track for any questions, help or guidance you need!

A Track Hero: Cynthia Bautista

B Track Hero: Nicole Dalakas

C Track Hero: Elizabeth Hammack

Do you know about our Bear Book and Bear Math Challenges?

We would like to invite your students to participate in this fun and exciting challenge!

Click these links (Bear Book/Bear Math) for more information about each challenge and how to complete it. Parents will fill out the appropriate online form (Book TK-2, Book 3-8, Bear Math) for their students once they have completed their goal. 

Any questions? Please contact Alexis Fregoso.

Parent Volunteer Corner

Volunteering at TCA

CLICK HERE to read more about our volunteering program and how your partnership helps our campus work!

For families with students on A/B Track, it is suggested that you volunteer 25 hours/year on campus. 

For families with students on C Track, it is suggested that you volunteer 10 hours/year on campus.

Donations Needed

While we can't have visitors on campus yet, we do still have needs for donations on our campus. 

CLICK HERE to see our most current needs to prepare to have students back on campus.

Record Your Volunteer Hours

CLICK HERE to record your volunteer hours. Remember that $10 of donations is equal to 1 volunteer hour!

The TCA Student Store is OPEN!

Choose from t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and even a backpack or cup! CLICK HERE to go to the online store!

Please note: The online store is open for 2 week periods, then closes for the weekend and reopens the following Monday.  

C'lectives Class - Materials Fees

Several of our C'lectives classes have suggested materials fee donations to help offset the cost of supplies needed to complete projects. These classes include, but are not limited to: Science, STEAM, History, Art, Cooking, Home Economics. 

New this year: We've made it easier than ever to submit payment for your child's C'lectives classes using Permission Click! Please CLICK HERE to complete the form and make payment. Please note that you need to complete a separate form for each child, however, you can pay for all of each student's classes at the same time by selecting multiple tickets on their form.

If you have questions, please email Wendy Garrett at

Medication Policy for 2021-22 School Year

The California Department of Education requires that a signed doctor's note be provided to your child's school for any student medications which are kept on campus or carried by students while they are on campus. Please note that ANY medication, including over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol and cough drops, MUST have a signed doctor's note to be allowed on campus for student safety. If your student travels on any overnight class trips, a signed medication form will be required for any medication, even over-the-counter 

CLICK HERE to print the required medication form. 

Please note: We cannot accept any medication form for the 2021-2022 school year if it is dated before July 1, 2021. All forms must be signed & dated by your doctor after this date to be active for the new school year. 

School Meal Program

NEW FOR 2021-22: The Classical Academies is pleased to offer every student one free nutritious breakfast meal kit each day they are on campus. Our breakfast program is available to all students that are on campus longer than two hours for an educational purpose. Prepackaged Breakfast Kits are available at various times throughout the day to allow for flexible schedules.

The Breakfast Kits must be ordered online at by noon the day before your student is on campus. Instructions on how to order are available HERE.

When your student arrives on campus, they will be able to choose from the available prepackaged Breakfast Kits. Each Breakfast Kit includes a breakfast cereal, dried fruit, unsweetened regular or flavored applesauce, graham crackers, and low-fat milk. All Breakfast Kits include a spoon and napkin. Breakfast will be picked up at the lunch tables by the 2nd grade A/B classrooms. *NEW* If a student does not pick up their breakfast at the time listed below, it will not be available at a later time that day.

Breakfast Pick-up Times

A/B-track - 7:40 - 7:55am

7/8 C-track - 7:55 - 8:10am

TK-6 C-track - 8:10 - 8:25am

For more information about the school meal program, visit the TCA School Meals webpage

For quick ordering each week, look for the Boonli logo at the top of this page!

Mr. C's Corner

CLICK HERE to visit Mr. C's Corner! You'll find information about the Key of the Unit and other useful information to motivate and inspire you! 

Ever wonder HOW to get in touch with our school counselor Mr. C?

Contact Mr. C by email He will respond within 24 school hours!

White headphones with red heart sign in the middle on blue surface

Virtual Calm Room

The counseling team has developed a Virtual Calm Room as a resource for our school community. Sometimes life is challenging and we experience distress. This Virtual Calm Room was created to serve as a break and to help you find new ways to identify & manage strong emotions and build your resilience. These resources will hopefully allow you to reset back to a calm state of mind and body.

We encourage you to make it a priority to care for yourself in healthy ways. Not all coping strategies will feel right so we encourage you to explore some and find what works for YOU!


Rehearsals begin Monday, August 30th at CCAE, Studio 1

8:30-9:00 1-2 grades

9:15-9:45 3-5 grades

10:00-10:45 6-8 grades

Any questions? Please email

Band (4th grade & up)

Beginning Band 

Tuesdays 3:30-5:00 at the PLC

Advanced Band 

Thursdays 3:30-5:00 at the PLC

Any questions? Please email

Musical Theater

Grades 3-5

Email for more information!

Musical Theater

Grades 6-8 

Email for more information!

4th Grade: Northern CA

Feb 28 - Mar 1, 2022

Visit Sacramento, Sutter's Fort, Coloma (Gold Country), San Francisco and more! 

CLICK HERE for information on the trip and to sign up.

Tour Code: T226001A

Password: 145235

Please note: Parents are encouraged to travel with their 4th graders on this trip. This trip is for 4th graders and their chaperones only.

5th Grade: BizTown

Dec 14, 2021

Our class is participating in an exciting educational program called JA BizTown, which focuses on financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship. We will be visiting the McGrath Family JA BizTown facility to participate in a simulation of a professional work day, where each student will have the opportunity to be a producer and consumer. 

Our visit is scheduled for Tuesday, Dec 14th

A/B track students will learn the BizTown curriculum as a part of their school day. 

C track students will learn the BizTown curriculum on Tuesdays from 3-4 pm.

A/B track sign up

C track sign up

Spaces are limited!

5th Grade: Pathfinder Ranch

May 18-20, 2022

Watch here for info! 

6th Grade: Astro Camp

Feb 7-9, 2022

All 6th grade students at The Classical Academy, Bear Valley have an opportunity to attend a 3-day, 2-night class trip to Idyllwild, California to participate in AstroCamp on February 7-9, 2022.  

Please note, this trip is an optional educational trip. There are a limited number of spots available for this trip. 

Cost: The cost per student is $325.00. This price covers transportation, all camp costs, meals (except lunch on arrival day), and t-shirt. Chaperone cost TBD.

CLICK HERE to sign up!

7th Grade: Catalina

September 2022

We hope 7th graders had a great time in Catalina! Watch here for next year's trip information coming in spring of 2022.

8th Grade: East Coast

Mar 31-Apr 7, 2022

The 2022 trip will be open to 8th and 9th graders! CLICK HERE to see a video about the east coast trip. CLICK HERE for a flyer with more details.

Contact Tyler Powell for more info.

The information in this section is provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only. It is independent of The Classical Academy and is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by The Classical Academies. Please contact the service provider directly with all questions or concerns.

School Meals Available at Community Locations

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has extended meal flexibilities to schools through the summer of 2021 and the 2021-22 school year. Districts and schools will be able to continue providing free meals to any school-aged child regardless of the school they normally attend, and allow parents and guardians to pick up meals without the student being present. 

Click here to view a list from the California Department of Education showing all sites in San Diego County authorized to serve summer meals. Additionally, please visit 2021 Summer Meal Sites for Students for more information on how your neighborhood school will participate.

Please also visit these other community resources:

U.S. Department of Education Meals for Kids Site Finder

San Diego Food Bank

Feeding San Diego

No Kid Hungry Food Finder

Comments, Suggestions, Great Ideas?

Do you have a comment, suggestion, idea to share? 

We have a special email address just for you,

Your partnership is valued. Your ideas strengthen our programs. We look forward to hearing from you soon.