Experience Calmness...

Sometimes life is challenging and we experience distress. This Virtual Calm Room was created to serve as a break and to help you find new ways to identify & manage strong emotions and build your resilience. These resources will hopefully allow you to reset back to a calm state of mind and body.

We encourage you to make it a priority to care for yourself in healthy ways. Not all coping strategies will feel right so we encourage you to explore some and find what works for YOU!

Disclaimer: The links on this site are provided purely as resources only and are independent of The Classical Academies. The resources, agencies or services listed are not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by The Classical Academies. Please contact the service provider directly with all questions or concerns. These resources do not replace the need for potential medical or psychological intervention. If you are in need of more help, please reach out to a medical or mental health professional.

Color & Create

Puzzles & Games

Smartphone Apps

24/7 Support Resources