Section 5.1

Impact of Citizen Science

Learning Goals

Objectives and General Description

Science needs more eyes, ears and perspectives than any one scientist possesses.  Citizen science is a collaboration between formally trained, professional scientists and everyday people who are interested in helping.  Citizen science studies allow people, using their own computers and resources, to collect, analyze and/or report data.  Some studies involve millions of people; others may involve only a handful of people.  This section focuses on citizen science.  What is it?  How does it work?  What is the impact of citizen science on our world?  How do you find citizen science projects?  Who can participate?  Students will watch a short video and read information about citizen science & crowdsourcing.  The ARC teams will look for existing citizen science projects that relate to their topic/innovation and will report on their findings to the class.


Activity 5.1.1 (50 minutes)