Section 2.11b

Apply Sound Effects

Learning Goals

Objectives and General Description

The objective for this section is to learn how to apply the setEffect function. The setEffect function is very versatile, and can be used to add a large number of effects to existing music samples. This allows designers to customize the music to their own liking, but at the cost of providing a very large array of sometime musically technical terminology. Students should initially focus on the limited set of effects we will cover: VOLUME, DELAY, and PITCHSHIFT. Advanced students might explore additional effects if they have more time.

There are two setEffect blocks in EarSketch. The first block has 4 parameters (track #, effect type, effect parameter, effect value) and is used to add a sound effect that applies constantly to a track.  

The second setEffect block has 7 parameters (track #, effect type, effect parameter, effect start value, start location, effect end value, end location) and is used to linearly fade in or fade out a sound effect to a track.


Activity 2.11b.1 (Budget 20 minutes)

Students learn to apply the setEffect function.

1. Present the first slide of the setEffect PowerPoint and facilitate a class response on the difference between the two sounds. (The second sound is lower in volume than the first)

2. Present the next three slides to show the data types for applying an effect to 1 track or all the tracks, and where to find the many effects available in EarSketch.

3. Model in EarSketch how to add a volume effect to a track from the previous script you made. When you make the volume effect, spell volume in lowercase letters so that they can see the data type error. Then change VOLUME to all capital letters (constants are all capital letters in EarSketch) so that it runs without an error. Show the DAW so that students can see how the effect looks visually.

4. Hand out the setEffect assignment to each pair of students so that they each apply a delay and a pitch shift effect. Then they select one of the effects and listen to each others music to see if they can tell which effect their partner used.

Activity 2.11b.2 (Budget 20 minutes)

Students learn how to apply the setEffect function to fade in or out an effect.

1. Present the first slide of the setEffect Fade PowerPoint and facilitate a class response on the difference between the two sounds. (The second sound fades in and the first sound is constant)

2. Present the next three slides to show the 7 parameters of the second setEffect function block applied to 1 track and to all tracks. The third slide is to show the students between fading in and fading out.

3. Model in EarSketch how to linearly fade in a volume effect to a different track on the previous script you made. Show the DAW so that students can see how the fade in effect looks visually. Model in EarSketch how to linearly fade out the same track that you just faded in. Show the DAW so that students can see how the fade out effect looks visually.

4. Hand out the setEffect Fade assignment to each pair of students so that they each apply a delay fade in and a pitch shift fade out effect. Then they select either the delay or pitch shift and fade in or out on a different track and listen to each others music to see if they can tell which  their partner used.