Section 0.6

Coding Initials

Learning Goals

Objectives and General Description

The objective of this lesson is to highlight the difference between an abstracted skill and an algorithm that is developed with computational thinking skills.

Students begin by quickly writing their initials on a piece of paper.  After a discussion of difficulty, students are then asked to write a program that will draw their initials on the computer screen.  Students discover that things that are easy to do in person are often more difficult to recreate on the computer.  

Important vocabulary:  Abstraction, Computational Thinking, Sequencing


Activity 0.6.1  (Budget 5 minutes)

Give students a post it note or ask them to take out a piece of paper.  Tell them they have to complete this task in one minute.  When they are ready, tell them to write their initials on the paper, all capital letters in a block style format.  Students will complete this task very quickly with plenty of time to spare.  Have a brief discussion:

Activity 0.6.2 (Budget 45 minutes)

Show the students the website,  Run the demo program and explain that the instructions cause the turtle to move on the screen and draw a line.  Give them a quick demo of how you can drab blocks, change the color, change the speed, etc.  Then tell the students that they have 30 minutes to get the turtle to draw their initials on the screen...just like they did on the paper (capitol letters, block format, spaces between the letters.).  Students are not allowed to use the text block.  The turtle must draw the initials.

As students get started on this task,  there are several tasks that might be challenging.  Provide suggestions if necessary but allow the students to struggle a bit.  Encourage them to talk to their classmates.  Common difficulties..

Once the 30 minutes is used, have a quick gallery walk.  Let students walk around and look at the results of their peer's programs.  


Activity 0.6.3 (Budget 60 minutes or given as a take home assignment)

Written responses:  Each student will complete a written response reflection document.  The response prompts and the scoring rubric are included Part 3 in the Board Game Algorithms Student Instructions.  Students will respond to the following two prompts:

Students need to begin developing their technical writing skills.  Technical writing involves clear, succinct and accurate responses.  Examples of given in the student instructions of low quality and high quality responses.  Teachers also have access to a document with multiple high quality responses. The resources for Activity 0.6.3 are the same as the technical writing resources provided in Section 0.5.