Summer Reading

"Blown to Bits: Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion" First and Second Edition books are an excellent resource for this course.  You will be using chapters from these books throughout the curriculum.  Most Advanced Placement courses have a summer reading assignment.  These books could be the ones you use.  They are easy to read and students will relate to many of the examples given.

If you choose not to use them for your summer reading, you will need to find time in your lessons to incorporate the chapters because they are used to meet the standards of the course.  Based on your pacing guide, you can assign one chapter each week to the students so that they will be ready when you start talking about the contents.

By the end of Unit 1, students will have read "Blown to Bits" First Edition.

By the end of Unit 2, students will have read "Blown to Bits" Second Edition.

You can assign the Reflections and Guided Reading Questions for both books.  There are detailed questions for the first six chapters of each book.  Students can summarize the rest or you can assign groups of students to create questions that go along with the chapters.

Unit 3 is where we will begin discussions about the contents of the books so students will need to have the read the books by that time.