Section 2.11c

Design Music for Client Recruitment Artifact

Learning Goals

Objectives and General Description

The objective for this section is to transition the students perspective from informing to engaging through music. Students will return to working in pairs in this unit. Ideally, student pairs will be formed from their teams since students will work together on adding music to create their websites. Groups of 3 students can also be formed if needed, but pairs are ideal. Pairs can be formed by telling students to select a partner from their teams, and letting them know they will work with this person for the rest of this unit. If teams have 5 people, the can form a group of 2 and a group of 3.

This activity will lead into the students creating a musical introduction for their website.

In this section, you will play musical introductions from commercials and movie themes without showing them your screen so that they can focus on the sound rather than the visuals. It will be much smoother if you already have the 3 musical introductions cued up so that you do not play any adds. 


Activity 2.11c.1 (Budget 15 minutes)

Students transition to musical engagement by identifying tempo and pitch related to emotional responses.

Go back to Section 2.10 and begin Sprint 2