Section 4.0.0
Unit 6 Standards
Below are lists of the Computational Thinking Practices, Big Ideas, and Course Content in Unit 6. For more information on the Unit 6 Standards, please refer to the 2020 Course and Exam Description document.
Computational Thinking Practices
Practice 1
Skill 1.B: Determine and design an appropriate method or approach to achieve the purpose.
Skill 1.C: Explain how collaboration affects the development of a solution.
Practice 2
Skill 2.B: Implement and apply an algorithm.
Practice 4
Skill 4.A: Explain how a code segment or program functions.
Skill 4.C: Identify and correct errors in algorithms and programs, including error and discover through testing.
Practice 5
Skill 5.E: Describe the impact of gathering data.
Big Ideas and Enduring Understanding
Big Idea 1: Creative Development (CRD)
CRD-1: Incorporating multiple perspectives through collaboration improves computing innovations as they are developed.
CRD-2: Developers create and innovate using an iterative design process that is user-focused, that incorporates implementation/feedback cycles, and that leaves ample room for experimentation and risk-taking.
Big Idea 3: Algorithms and Programming (AAP)
AAP-3: Programmers break down problems into smaller and more manageable pieces. By creating procedures and leveraging paraeters, programmers ageneralize processes that can be reused. Procedures allow programmers to draw upon existing code that has already been tested, allowing them to write programs more quickly and with more confidence.
Big Idea 5: Impact of Computing (IOC)
IOC-1: While computing innovations are typically designed to achieve a specific purpose, they may have unintended consequences.
Course Content for CRD
CRD-1.A: Explain how computing innovations are improved through collaboration.
CRD-1.A.6 Information gathered from potential users can be used to understand the purpose of a program from diverse perspectives and to develop a program that fully incorporates these perspectives.
CRD-1.C: Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills during collaboration.
CRD-2.B: Explain how a program or code segment functions
CRD-2.E: Develop a program using a development process.
CRD-2.E.4 Students will actively engage in a development process that is incremental by breaking down the problem into smaller pieces.
CRD-2.G: Describe the purpose of a code segment or program by writing documentation.
CRD-2.I: For errors in an algorithm or program - identify the error and correct the error.
CRD-2.I.2 A syntax error is a mistake in the program where the rules of the programming language are not followed.
Course Content for AAP
AAP-3.D: Select appropriate libraries or existing code segments to use in creating new programs.
Course Content for IOC
IOC-1.F: Explain how the use of computing can raise legal and ethical concerns.
IOC-1.F.1 Material created on a computer is the intellectual property of the creator or an organization.
IOC-1.F.2 Ease of access and distribution of digitized information raises intellectual property concerns regarding ownership, value, and use.
IOC-1.F.3 Measures should be taken to safeguard intellectual property.
IOC-1.F.4 The use of material created by someone else without permission and presented as one’s own is plagiarism and may have legal consequences.
IOC-1.F.5 Some examples of legal ways to use materials created by someone else include:
Creative Commons—a public copyright license that enables the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. This is used when the content creator wants to give others the right to share, use, and build upon the work they have created.
open source—programs that are made freely available and may be redistributed and modified
open access—online research output free of any and all restrictions on access and free of many restrictions on use, such as copyright or license restrictions
IOC-1.F.6 The use of material created by someone other than you should always be cited.