Section 0.5

Board Game Algorithms

Learning Goals

Objectives and General Description

The objective of this lesson is examine a large algorithm and break it down into sub-algorithms and individual
instructions.  Students will practice effective communication and demonstrate collaboration on a common task.  Students will also learn one format of communicating an algorithm, the flowchart.  In addition, students will explore various digital tools to create a flowchart on a computer.

Students begin by forming groups to play a game.  There should be a variety of games available for choices.  Examples include:  Jenga, Monopoly, decks of cards, Scrabble, Chess, Battleship, Clue, Apples to Apples, Pictionary, etc.  Students are given 20- 25 minutes to play the game.  Students are unaware that they will be flowcharting the game that they have chosen.  Finally, students are given the project description and begin the process of decomposing the game into sub-algorithms and individual instructions.  This activity typically takes 3 class periods.  Each student will then complete an individual written response document pertaining to the project.


Activity 0.5.1  (Budget 20 - 25 minutes)

Playing the game:  Students are instructed to form groups of 3 - 4 students and select a game to play.  The teacher can verbally give the instructions or can post the instructions in a creative way.  One example is to post the instructions in a flowchart format to get the students to learn how to read a flowchart.

Students can use the following resources to learn about flowcharts. They are also included on the project instruction page:

Activity 0.5.2 (Budget 20 minutes + 2 hours)

Analyzing the algorithms and creating a flowchart:  Once game play has stopped, students are given the project instructions.  They spend the remaining class time developing a draft of the flowchart on paper.

*It is very important to note that students often initially feel overwhelmed when the task is first presented to them.  They want to switch to an easier game or declare that this is an impossible task.  Teachers should be very encouraging and supporting during this phase.  The task often feels so big that students do not know where to start.  Some groups may need help narrowing the focus to get started.  This activity is an excellent opportunity to discuss the growth mindset and its relationship to computational thinking.  Explain that they are taking a very large problem and breaking it down into manageable steps.

Remaining time (two class periods on typically schedule) are spent completing the group work portion of the task.  Students are asked to create two versions of their flowchart: one is a poster that will be displayed and the other is a digital flowchart that will be submitted to the teacher.  Students can divide the responsibilities among the group members. However, the poster flowchart and the digital flowchart must match.

While student groups are working, the teacher should circulate and look for opportunities to support and/or expand upon concepts.  For example, point out conditional components or iterative components of their flow chart and how those relate to programming.  Occasionally students will recognize the need to create an abstraction by making a block to represent an action that happens repetitively.  Teachers can give them the associated vocabulary and rationale for using it in the future. 

Activity 0.5.3 (Budget 60 minutes or given as a take home assignment)

Written responses:  Each student will complete a written response reflection document.  The response prompts and the scoring rubric are included as Part 3 in the Board Game Algorithms Student Instructions.  Students will respond to the following two prompts:

Students need to begin developing their technical writing skills.  Technical writing involves clear, succinct and accurate responses.  Examples are given in the student instructions of low quality and high quality responses. 

Teachers also have access to a document with multiple high quality responses and example images of students completing this activity.