Section 2.3

Introduction to ARC Challenge 2 & Sprint #1

Learning Goals

Objectives and General Description

The objectives for this lesson is to have the students read a detailed project description and analyze the requirements need to successfully complete the project.  In addition, students will be critically evaluating what they know how to do for the project and what they need to learn how to do.  For the project itself, students will be critically researching and analyzing a business and its product as well as writing a program that creates music for the company.  The challenge consists of three components:  a detailed business case study, an individual essay and a recruitment artifact.  The digital recruitment artifact is a video, brochure, poster that the company might use to recruit new employees.  This artifact will incorporate music that the team has created using EarSketch, an online coding platform.

For this ARC challenge, the projects are divided.  

Student teams will use the AGILE approach again to complete this challenge.  Students will be given the specs for the project components and will be asked to analyze what they know how to do, what they need to learn how to do and where to find the skills/knowledge that they need.  They will do this individually and then coordinate as a team to complete an overall project requirements analysis.  This will lead to the first Sprint assignment.  There will be two sprints for this project.  A reminder that students will often want to rush through the planning process.  The planning process is an industry skill and is vitally important to a successful, collaborative project.  Students are also utilizing computational thinking skills and practices by designing a collaborative solution.

 Unit 2 ARC Challenge Materials

*Note:  There are items in the project descriptions that the students don't know yet.  For example...what is a case study?  What is the digital divide?   What is a recruitment artifact?  How do you code in EarSketch?  Students will probably experience some nervousness when they see the project descriptions.  This is part of a growth mindset.  Reassure them that the projects are manageable and you will help them learn the content/skills to create a successful project.  The CAPACiTY approach involves giving them a project before they have all the skills.  They learn to identify what they need to know or learn and then also learn how to find this information or learn the skill.  This approach facilitates independent learning and builds confidence.  Many students may not have experience this previously and will need more support from the teacher.  Other students will be ready to take the challenge and run with it.  Teachers should be prepared to offer the level of support that the students need. 


Some teachers may want to print all the challenge documents and create binders for each team.  Here is a link to all documents with a table of contents for this ARC challenge.

Activity 2.3.1 (Budget 5-10 minutes)

Activity 2.3.2 (budget 2 hours)

Activity 2.3.3 (Budget 50 minutes OR Assign as Out of Class Assignment)