Section 1.1

ARC Topic Selection and Team Formation

Learning Goals

Objectives and General Description

The objective for this section is to lead students through a facilitated innovation topic exploration and decision making process.  Students should understand the definition of a computing innovation and provide examples of computing innovations.  By the end of this section of activities, students will have researched multiple innovations that are of personal interest using credible sources and will have identified the associated industry (healthcare, education, entertainment, etc.) as well as determined real life problems that are associated with the innovation.  Students are introduced to the concept that all innovations have both beneficial effects and harmful effects.

Students have a tendency to want to rush through the topic selection.  The teacher should ensure that a dedicated amount of time is used to thoroughly investigate topics of interest.  Students will ultimately be selecting a topic & innovation that they will research throughout the school year and will be building digital artifacts revolving around this topic.  Furthermore, collaborative teams will be formed around common topics and those teams will work together on these projects during the school year.  Students who are personally invested in their chosen topic will be more engaged and the abstract topics within computer science will carry more meaning and relevance. Therefore it is highly recommended that the teacher allow students the freedom of school appropriate topic selection.


It is important to invest time for the problem and innovation selection process.  Students need to have a personal interest in both the problem and the innovation in order to maintain engagement throughout the semester.  The selection process has three iterations.

Activity 1.1.1   (Budget 10 minutes)

This activity is designed to be completed at the end of a class period.  Teachers could implement a lesson from Unit 0 and add this activity at the end of one of those class periods.

Iteration #1:  Brainstorming (Individual)

Activity 1.1.2 (Budget 55 minutes)

 Iteration #2:  Investigating interests & innovations (Individual)

Activity 1.1.3 (Budget 55 minutes)

Iteration #3:  Topic Network Event and Selection (team formation)