Section 2.11a
Introduce Coding in EarSketch and Music Project
Learning Goals
Students are introduced to EarSketch and navigate the EarSketch interface.
Students use fitMedia to make and syntax debug an 8 measure piece of music.
Objectives and General Description
The objective for this section is to introduce students to using EarSketch and coding music. Let them know that this is about exploring what is possible with coding music, not making the perfect piece of music. Students should be encouraged to experiment and play with sounds.
Yet another username and password can become problematic for forgetful, busy students. Make sure students record their user names and passwords, or use something they will be able to remember.
Activity 2.11a.1 (Budget 30 minutes)
Students learn to navigate the EarSketch interface and play sound samples using Variables & fitMedia.
Present the EarSketch Interface Variables and fitMedia PowerPoint. Have EarSketch open to follow along with the PowerPoint and show students the important elements in real time.
Have students create an EarSketch account. Note that actual name and email address are optional. If students use an email address, it should be a personal one, not a school one. This way if they need a password reset, EarSketch can email them with the reset link. Students will be sharing their songs with you, so the name they create their account with will be seen by you.
Use this document so you can copy and paste EarSketch code directly into your script. Slide 16 has a sound sample. You can discuss instruments used and 1 measure = 4 beats. Slide 17 shows how measures, beats, and time work together. This example has a fast tempo so the song ends at 8 seconds. The next slide slows down the tempo so the same instruments playing the same measures, plays for 16 seconds.
Introduce variables on Slide 19.
Then let the students explore the navigation icons on the left and tell them they will do a short quiz on the interface and fitMedia inputs in a few minutes.
Present the Kahoot game (when you play the game it will give you the pin for your students) on the EarSketch interface as their "quiz" to help students memorize the interface and inputs for fitMedia.
Activity 2.11a.2 (Budget 30 minutes)
Students learn how to debug for common errors, add comments, and share their code with another EarSketch user.
Present the Debugging, Commenting, and Sharing Scripts PowerPoint.
Show slide 2 and explain that forgetting an input will cause an error. Model in EarSketch the examples in the PowerPoint. Show the console with a description of the error.
Another common error is having two sounds overlap on the same track. See slide 4.
A third error example is missing syntax.
Slide 10 demonstrates commenting code. Throughout the course students will add comments to their code. You can have the students provide any details that you want in the comment lines.
Give the students the assignment on the Mini Task Assignment PowerPoint slide to make an 8 measure piece of music that has 3 or more sound samples. Tell them the title of Script is Period#_StudentName_8MScript to make it easy for you to find their script.
Show the last slide on how to share their code and song. Students can share their 8MScript to your EarSketch username and/or another student's username. You can edit the last slide so students use your naming convention.