Section 3.2

Unit 3 Vocabulary

Learning Goals

Key vocabulary includes:  Personally Identifiable Information (PII), search engine, search history, geolocation, cookie, browsing history, privacy, identity theft, authentication measures, multi factor authentication, password, encryption, symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, public key encryption, certificate authorities, virus, malware scanning software, malware, phishing, keylogging, rogue access point, malicious link, freeware/shareware, trust model

Objectives and General Description

Vocabulary and terminology are important to any unit of instruction.  The objective is to develop an understanding of the key components of this unit and to apply these concepts to the ARC challenge and to classroom demonstrations throughout Unit 3.

Students will be given the overall vocabulary for Unit 3.   This vocabulary set covers cybersecurity terms.  Students should write the definitions in their own words.  


Activity 3.2.1 (Given as an outside assignment)