Section 1.4

Introduction to First ARC Challenge

Learning Goals

Objectives and General Description

The objectives for this lesson is to have the students read a detailed project description and analyze the requirements need to successfully complete the project.  In addition, students will be critically evaluating what they know how to do for the project and what they need to learn how to do.

In this section, student teams are given their first ARC challenge and project.  In addition, they are introduced to an AGILE system of organization for their project management.  Students will be given the specs for the project components and will be asked to analyze what they know how to do, what they need to learn how to do and where to find the skills/knowledge that they need.  They will do this individually and then coordinate as a team to complete an overall project requirements analysis.  Many students want to rush through this stage and just get started on the project.  However, the planning process is an integral component of industry level software development.  Students are also utilizing computational thinking skills and practices by designing a collaborative solution.

*Note:  There are items in the project descriptions that the students don't know yet.  For example...what is the difference between an intended purpose of an innovation and the function of an innovation?  What is the Evolution of the Innovation?  How do you make an app in AppInventor?  Students will probably experience some nervousness when they see the project descriptions.  This is part of a growth mindset.  Reassure them that the projects are manageable and you will help them learn the content/skills to create a successful project.  The CAPACiTY approach involves giving them a project before they have all the skills.  They learn to identify what they need to know or learn and then also learn how to find this information or learn the skill.  This approach facilitates independent learning and builds confidence.  Many students may not have experience this previously and will need more support from the teacher.  Other students will be ready to take the challenge and run with it.  Teachers should be prepared to offer the level of support that the students need. 

Class Discussion:  You had the freedom to choose your own topic of interest.  You will now have the opportunity to learn from each other.  Collaboration is a big part of computer science including creating apps and Websites.  Your team's diverse ideas and experiences will make your project better because you hold each other accountable for bias.  

For example, one team member believes that any high school students who drive to school must have rich parents to give them a car.  Is this a true statement?  Is this based on experience or assumption?  You are not rich.  You worked two jobs to save up for a used car.  

If you were making an app for older people and one of your team members suggested using a large font, would this be bias or a good idea based on experience?


Activity 1.4.1 (Budget  30 minutes)

This activity will be an individual activity.  Explain that each team will be creating a website and an app related to their topic & innovation.  Give each student the project description for the website project and the app development project.  Also give each student two copies of the KNW chart.  The KNW chart should be explained to the students.  Students should read the project descriptions thoroughly and complete a KNW for each chart.  

Activity 1.4.2 (Budget  30 minutes)

Bring the students together in their teams.  Have teams choose one person as the team leader.  This person will navigate to their Google Drive and create a folder with the project name.  You will need to decide  the exact folder structure required for the students.  Have the team leader share the folder with their teammates and give them editing rights.  The team leader will make a copy of the Project Requirements Analysis and place it in the shared project folder.  All team members will be able to access the folder and edit the project documents.  Google Drive is one of the many online tools that support collaboration.  You should specifically mention this detail so that students are aware of how teams use online tools for collaboration.  If your school has another software platform that allows students to collaborate, use that instead.

Teams should discuss the project specifications to make sure that each team member is aware of and understands all of the components that are required for the two projects.  Introduce and explain  the Project Requirements Analysis.  To complete the Project Requirements Analysis, each team should...