Section 5.0.0

Unit Standards

Below are lists of the Computational Thinking Practices, Big Ideas, and Course Content in Unit 5. For more information on the Unit 5 Standards, please refer to the 2020 Course and Exam Description document.

Computational Thinking Practices

Practice 1

Practice 2

Practice 5

Big Ideas, Enduring Understanding, and Topics

Big Idea 5: Data (DAT)

Big Idea 3: Algorithms and Programming (AAP)

Big Idea 5: Impact of Computing (IOC)

Course Content for DAT

DAT-2.A: Describe what information can be extracted from data. 

DAT-2.B: Describe what information can be extracted from metadata. 

DAT-2.C: Identify the challenges associated with processing data. 

DAT-2.D: Extract information from data using a program. 

DAT-2.E: Explain how programs can be used to gain insight and knowledge from data.

Course Content for AAP

AAP-3.F For simulations: 

Course Content for IOC

IOC-1.E: Explain how people participate in problem-solving processes at scale.