Section 4.12

Introduction to ARC Challenge #4 & Sprint #1

Learning Goals

DAT-2.A.1: Information is the collection of facts and patterns extracted from data. 

DAT-2.A.4: Often, a single source does not contain the data needed to draw a conclusion. It may be necessary to combine data from a variety of sources to formulate a conclusion. 

DAT-2.B.1: Metadata are data about data. For example, the piece of data may be an image, while the metadata may include the date of creation or the file size of the image. 

DAT-2.B.2: Changes and deletions made to metadata do not change the primary data. 

DAT-2.B.3: Metadata are used for finding, organizing, and managing information. 

DAT-2.B.4: Metadata can increase the effective use of data or data sets by providing additional information. 

DAT-2.B.5: Metadata allows data to be structured and organized. 

DAT-2.C.1: The ability to process data depends on the capabilities of the users and their tools. 

Objectives and General Description

ARC challenge #4 is a Data Analysis project that spans both Unit 4 (Data Representation)  and Unit 5 (Big Data).  A Big Data Analytics firms has hired the students to investigate & analyze  an industry concern.  Students will determine the concern, write questions that need to be answered, identify needed data points, design & collect real life data and then analyze the results.  Students will visually present findings and interpretations of the data as well as address concerns that arise with the collection of their data ( privacy, storage, security). The project will combine designing, collecting, filtering, cleaning and analyzing the collected data.  It should be started early in unit 4 and will be completed at the end of the semester for the semester showcase.

ARC challenge #4 is a Data Analysis project that spans both Unit 4 (Data Representation)  and Unit 5 (Big Data).  This challenge has four parts:

Sprint 1 will be devoted to Part A.

Sprints 2 & 3 will focus on Parts B, C & D.  Sprints 2 and 3 will be completed in Unit 5.


Activity 4.12.1 (40 minutes)

Introduction of Google Trends

Activity 4.12.2 (2 - 3 hours)

Introduction of ARC Challenge #4 and Sprint 1