As part of our ongoing commitment to safety and security, Jefferson Forest High School has implemented the following policies for all of its athletic and activity facilities.

We appreciate everyone's cooperation, patience and understanding as we create a family-friendly environment at JF events.



*Fans are discouraged from bringing any bags or backpacks into our facilities for athletic contests or activities. These items are subject to reasonable inspection before entering and/or at any time during the event.

*Ticket or passes are required for entry. There is NO RE-ENTRY: fans are required to purchase another ticket if they leave the facility during the event while the Ticket Booth is still open.

*No outside food and/or beverages

*No containers and/or coolers

*No balls, bats, sticks: no ball throwing/kicking, etc is permitted in the venue during a contest

*No pets

*No bicycles or other wheeled toys

*Parents with small children are permitted to bring strollers and diaper bags. These items are subject to reasonable inspection before entering and/or at any time during the event.

*No weapons (regardless of permit, including but not limited to firearms or knives)

*No umbrellas

*No fireworks

*Smoking and vaping is prohibited on Jefferson Forest property.

*No contraband, alcohol, or illegal drugs

*Any other items deemed unlawful or dangerous may be prohibited at the discretion of school administrative staff and security personnel.

*Folding chairs will be allowed for seating outside of the bleachers.

code of conduct

Jefferson Forest is committed to creating a safe, family-friendly experience for all guests of JF events.

Cavalier fans have a right to expect the following environment at an event :

*Fans are encouraged to cheer/chant/sing and support JF teams while maintaining a courteous and respectful manner toward their fellow guests, referees, coaches, all players and opposing fans.

*Fans enjoy the family game experience while refraining from fighting, throwing objects, attempting to enter the field of play, and acting in a disorderly manner, inclusive of foul, racist, sexist, obscene or abusive language or gestures.

*Fans comply with all requests from JF staff regarding all facility policies and emergency response protocols.

*Fans do not consume alcohol or drugs before or during JF contests.

*Fans conduct themselves in a civil and lawful manner to avoid confrontations and incidents in the facility, entrance areas and parking lots.

Those who fail to abide by this Code of Conduct are subject to sanctions, including ejection, banishment and arrest.

Jefferson Forest thanks you for adhering to this Code of Conduct and for ensuring a family-friendly environment for all guests to enjoy at our athletic events and activities.