Report Cards

Lower School report cards are available on PowerSchool at the end of each trimester for grades K1- Grade 5.

The purpose of the Lower School report card is to provide a written record of student growth on core curricular outcomes over a period of time. The report card is written to inform parents and students what a student knows and can do in relation to identified grade-level standards. Information about the curriculum can be found in the Grade Level Guide. Additionally, specific student artifacts and examples of learning are shared with parents via Seesaw, our Lower School Digital Portfolio throughout the year. Children provided learning support or EAL services receive trimesterly updates from those teachers. 

If a student has been in school for fewer than four weeks, the teacher will communicate with parents regarding how the child is settling in. 

If a student has been at school for at least four weeks he/she will receive a report card for the trimester, although teachers may not have been able to assess some standards addressed prior to the student’s arrival at ASM. In this case, the student will receive a "/" on the report card to indicate insufficient evidence to assess. This applies to students who are new to the school, to students who have withdrawn from the school, and to students with long absences.  

*For information about the Lower School process for communicating growth and achievement see the Grade Level Guide.