LS Weekly Updates

April 19, 2024

Dear Parents,

As the weather changes, and warms throughout the day, please also help your children dress in layers they can remove - and find! 

All clothing labeled will be returned if it ends up in the lost and found. 

 Warmly, Jen

Grade 5 Parent Information Meeting- All about Middle School!


Greetings from the ASM Middle School! Planning is underway for the 24-25 school, and we are looking forward to working closely with our current grade 5 students and parents as they make their transition to grade 6 in the Middle School.


On Tuesday, April 23, I will meet with the grade 5 students in the Middle School building during the school day to talk with them about their transition to Middle School and the classes that they will take in grade 6. 

Grade 5 parents are invited to a special presentation about the Middle School program on Thursday, April 25 from 6:00-7:00 PM. This program will take place on the MS Steps in the MS building. Grade 5 students do not need to attend this meeting since I will have already met with them on April 23. Parents who are not able to attend this meeting will have an opportunity to attend a virtual meeting on Monday, April 29 from 6:00-7:00 PM. A virtual meeting link will be provided next week. 

Entering Middle School is an exciting moment for your children, and I am looking forward to assisting all of them in this important transition.


Kind regards,

Mike Nugent

Middle School Director