LS Weekly Updates

September 22, 2023

Dear parents,

Thank you so much for joining us at Open House on Thursday evening. It was a pleasure to welcome you to our classrooms. Teachers are excited about the year and all that is ahead. 

Room parents will be meeting with me in early October. Following that, they will be in contact with all parents about how you too can support classrooms this year. 


Ms. Jen

What's Coming Up?

Please be sure to check the ASM Calendar on our school website.

Grades 2-3 and 4-5 Choir

Mr. Jonathan and Mr. Rory are proud to announce the first year of the LOWER SCHOOL CHOIR. This will be a before school singing activity for any and all 2nd - 5th grade students. 2nd and 3rd Grade is on Tuesdays and 4th and 5th Grade on Wednesdays (including ERD days).  For more details and information please visit the choir interest form here.

Choir Interest Form

Parents On Campus- A Change

For safety reasons, we need to control WHO is on campus WHEN. 

From now on during the day, we will require parents to have an appointment to be on campus. 

If your child forgets something, please phone the LS Office. Ms. Fabi or Ms. Rebeca will make sure the guards know you have an appointment to drop items off in the office. 

Please do not visit classrooms, go into the lunchroom or enter the field or playgrounds when school is in session.

Clothing for Playtime

As I mentioned last night at Open House, we go outside in all kinds of weather. As the weather in Madrid changes and becomes cooler, plase make sure to send your children with clothing which will allow them to comfortably play in light rain and changing temperatures. 

That said, if there is a heavy rain, we will be inside for recess. 


Families with 3, 4, and 5-year-old siblings that wish to apply for the fall of 2024 please fill out the online inquiry and we will send you an application. Remember that your child needs to be 3, 4, or 5 years old by 1 September to enter K1, K2, or K3.