Learner's Support

ASM operates under a Multi-Tiered System of Support. Our intention is that our teaching resources support differentiated instruction for the range of learners we find in every classroom. We use consistent progress monitoring to inform our teaching and thereby determine the level of support or enrichment our students may need at a given point in time. Based on data-informed progress monitoring, classroom teachers differentiate curriculum to engage various types of learners and learning styles.

The ASM Lower School also has a Coordination of Support Team (COST) that includes Counselors, Learning Support teachers, English Language development teachers and Administration. This team reviews data and student progress with grade level teams. When determined necessary, the COST team collaborates with teaching teams to design responsive intervention plans with academic, behavioral, social emotional or english language development goals for students.

For more information contact:

Meredith Bosco- meredithbosco@asmadrid.es (Team Leader)

Richard Marshall- richardmarsall@asmadrid.es

Camilia Reina- camilareina@asmadrid.es

Andrea Bennett- andreabennett@asmadrid.es