FROM THE DESK OF:   Adam Kurth, Principal

September may be the best time of the year for high schools.  There is an energy in the building with the start of the new year. The combination of fall activities and crisp weather helps student engagement and mindset. And Homecoming Week is just around the corner.

We're excited to invite everyone to celebrate our school community together with the 2023 Homecoming celebration week. The week is full of events which culminate on Friday with our traditional Homecoming Parade and football game. The parade starts on Church Street at 4:30pm and travels through downtown on Capitol Ave, eventually heading north on North Avenue. The evening puts on display our incredible football team, band, cheer, and dance teams. We hope everyone can make it out to celebrate all our school brings to this community, and enjoy loads of candy!  All of our Homecoming information can be found in detail below.

Tomorrow night we welcome our parents to our annual Open House Night. Parents are invited to travel their students schedule and meet with each teacher in their instructional space.  The evening will begin promptly at 6:10pm with your student's first period class.  Additional details and information below.

AHS is also proud to share that we were recently recognized as one of the top schools in the state by US News and World Report!  Arrowhead High School ranked 8th out of 574 schools statewide!  We are extremely proud of our students and staff for this incredible accomplishment and recognition!

Happy Homecoming to our AHS families and school community!


September 20: Open House

September 29: Homecoming Pep Rally, Parade & Football game!

September 30: Homecoming Dance

October 6: Hawkfest

Upcoming School Board Meetings
September 21: Curriculum Committee, 6:45am, District Board RoomSeptember 22: Building & Grounds Committee, 6:45am, District Board Room

Important Updates


Arrowhead High School Parents,

We are happy to announce that on the evening of Wednesday, September 20th, Arrowhead will be hosting an Open House for parents at both campuses.  You will follow your student’s schedule for eight minute presentations in each class.  There will be  a five minute passing time between classes.  

For parents of Juniors, there will be a presentation from our counselors taking place prior to the Open House in the North Campus auditorium.   The schedule for the night is as follows:

Junior Parent Conference:

North Theater 5:00 pm-5:45 pm

All AHS Open House                South                      North

1st Hour (1st & 2nd ACE) 6:10 -6:18 6:20-6:28

2nd Hour (1st & 2nd BDF) 6:23-6:31 6:33-6:41

3rd Hour (3rd & 4th ACE) 6:36-6:44 6:46-6:54

4th Hour  (3rd & 4th BDF) 6:49-6:57 6:59-7:07

5th/6th Hour  7:02-7:10 7:12-7:20

7th Hour (7th & 8th ACE)   7:15-7:23 7:25-7:33

8th Hour (7th & 8th BDF) 7:28-7:36 7:38-7:46

9th Hour (9th & 10th ACE) 7:41-7:49 7:51-7:59

10th Hour (9th &10th BDF) 7:54-8:02 8:04-8:12

You can access your child’s schedule by going to Skyward Family Access and clicking on the schedule button at the left side.  We recommend you review your student’s schedule before attending to plan your night. Student volunteers will be present to assist you with classroom locations and we will have our bells set up according to the above schedule.

The Art teachers will present together in room N152 at North campus and S324 at South.  The North campus Physical Education (PE) teachers will present in Junior Study Hall at North campus and the South campus PE teachers will meet in the library computer lab A.  

During lunch or study halls please report to the cafeteria at South Campus and the Vandertie Commons at North (cafeteria) for refreshments.   

Here are  maps of both buildings to help you navigate throughout the evening.  We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, September 2oth.


We're excited to announce the formal kick off our brand new AHS PTO! The PTO has been working hard to engage with families in efforts to support our students and staff.  Please consider joining, attending meetings, or supporting through donations or volunteering!    

Please consider attending their first meeting of the year on 

Thursday, September 22nd in the North building.

Also, please help support our PTO and their fundraising efforts.  100% of funds raised go directly to supporting our students and staff.




Arrowhead Scholarship Fund

Please consider taking a night off from cooking and support our ASF Noodles and Co. Fundrasing Night!

Eat well and do good - ASF Noodles & Co. Fundraiser Tuesday, September 26th!

Join Arrowhead Scholarship Fund and Noodles & Co. for our fundraiser and Noodles will contribute 25% of sales to ASF scholarships!

Tuesday, September 26th, 2023

4:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Only at: Noodles & Co.- Delafield

3260 Golf Road, Delafield

Order and enter coupon code GIVING25 before you start the checkout process or mention Arrowhead Scholarship Fund when ordering in person so your order supports ASF. We appreciate your support!

Please share this info with your family and friends. Together we can help a great cause!

Homecoming 2023!

HOCO 2023!


Please join our students and staff on Friday, September 29th for our Annual Homecoming Parade.  The Parade route is our traditional route through downtown Hartland ending at South Campus.  You can view this link for the route.  If you would like to have a float in the parade, please complete this linked form. We look forward to celebrating this great community event!  

Parade Lineup → NO earlier than 4:00

Parade Start → 4:30

Parade Route:  Follow E Capitol Drive west to Co Rd E (aka North Ave).  Turn right onto North Ave.  Follow north to Arrowhead High School.  CANDY WILL BE SHARED! 

Additional Homecoming Info

Homecoming ticket sales will begin on Friday, September 22nd. Tickets may be purchased ONLINE ONLY through Vanco.

Dress-Up Days

We want to see lots of participation in the Dress-Up days this year! Plan your outfits and bring the spirit!

Wednesday, September 27th


Football - 7:00 vs. Muskego

Band - Performing before the game and @ Halftime

Cheer - Performing @ Halftime and throughout the game

Hawkettes - Performing @ Halftime


All students are welcome to attend the 2023 Homecoming Dance on Saturday, September 30th from 7:30 - 10:30 in the AHS West Gym.  

Tickets will be sold online from 9/22 - 9/30 

Watch for Skylerts with additional information in September.


“Junior/Senior Wars” have returned and we anticipate many AHS students will be participating. These activities are in no way approved, sponsored, or supported by Arrowhead High School.

Unfortunately, what began as a relatively harmless tradition has evolved into participants pushing boundaries that can result in a law enforcement response. These “wars” have involved students trespassing/vandalizing other students' homes, cars, driveways, etc. Students drive around our community well after curfew hours (10:30 pm - 5:00 am), throwing toilet paper into trees, littering yards, and writing graffiti on driveways and sidewalks. This activity often occurs outside in a public setting and at a student’s residence. Law enforcement response is likely to occur after a citizen complaint regarding the following violations: trespassing, disorderly conduct, criminal damage to property, noise complaints, car accidents, etc.

For reference, last year, the Village of Hartland Police Department investigated a hit-and-run incident during these events. Local law enforcement agencies also investigated extensive damage to homes, vehicles, etc.

Depending on the citizen complaint and circumstance, law enforcement response can/will result in a citation, criminal charge referral, and/or arrest. We highly encourage all parents/guardians to have a conversation regarding appropriate behavior while participating in “Junior/Senior Wars.” 

Thank you for your help in supporting positive choices and behaviors.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school or your local law enforcement agency. 



The Arrowhead High School Board of Education would like to wish everyone in our Arrowhead school community a 

Happy Homecoming!  

US News and World Report 

Top High Schools

US News and World Report recently released their 2023-24 rankings of the best high schools across the nationWe are proud to announce that Arrowhead High School ranked 8th (of 574) in Wisconsin and 518th (of over 25,000 schools) nationally!  AHS improved seven spots from a ranking of 15th in Wisconsin in 2022-23.

The US News evaluates schools academically using six different measures: College Readiness (30%), College Curriculum Breadth (10%), State Assessment Proficiency (20%), State Assessment Performance (20%), Underserved Student Performance (10%), and Graduation Rate (10%).  The primary assessments used in Wisconsin include Advanced Placement Exams which take place each spring, and the statewide ACT test administered to all Wisconsin public school students in March each year.  

Superintendent Conrad Farner shared, “It is rewarding to know that the incredible efforts of our students, parents and staff are producing great results.  The commitment to critical reflection and continuous improvement allows our students every opportunity to own their learning, which is how they become the successful, self-sufficient, compassionate citizens we need as future leaders.”

“Being ranked in the top 10 of high schools in Wisconsin is an incredible honor and a well-deserved recognition for the students, staff, and parents of Arrowhead High School.  These rankings never serve as our focus, but are an outcome of the tremendous dedication, work, and support of our entire school community.” Adam Kurth, High School Principal.

Arrowhead remains committed to providing the most challenging and relevant learning experiences for our students and looks forward to continuing our efforts as one of the top schools in the state.  

National Merit Semifinalists

Arrowhead High School is proud to announce that nine students have earned recognition as National Merit Semifinalists.  This past year, over 1.3 million students from over 21,000 high schools took part in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the National PSAT assessment.  16,000 students nationally, about 1% of those who tested, are recognized as National Merit Semifinalists.  More than 15,000 of these students are expected to be designated as Finalists in February based on their test scores, accomplishments, and potential for success in rigorous college studies.  National Merit Finalists are eligible for nearly 7,000 scholarships between corporate, college, and National Merit sponsored scholarships.  

Earning National Merit Semifinalist recognition are: Anay Bansal, Tanner Esper, Benjamin Faessler, Anakin Fischer, Benjamin Harkavy, Lily Lui, Alexander Mackay, Benjamin Otte, and Katherine Schoeppel.  

Principal Adam Kurth shared, “This is a great recognition of years of effort from these students.  Our school community is proud of these students and their representation of our school.”

Superintendent Conrad Farner stated, “Arrowhead consistently has one of the highest numbers of students in the state who qualify for National Merit recognition.  It is extremely rewarding to see the hard work and dedication of these students, their families and their teachers result in this recognition.” 


Happy to celebrate and share an awesome video of our students' trip to Spain!  Traveling and immersing in other cultures is one of the best ways a student can learn and create greater perspectives on our world.

Thanks to our teachers and advisors, Kathi Koepke and Amy Coraggio for guiding our students through this great experience!



New AHS Stadium Scoreboard

Arrowhead Corporate Sponsors Make Scoreboard Upgrades Possible 

Arrowhead High School is excited to announce the ordering of new scoreboards for its Varsity Stadium and Main Gym. Sponsorship partners; Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin, GFL Environmental, Town Bank, Lake Country Chiefs, and Arrowhead Basketball Club have made it possible to purchase new scoreboards equipped with video displays and built in sound systems. These boards will not only upgrade old and unreliable equipment, but they will also greatly improve the fan experience. Video boards will allow fans to see new graphics and images of sporting events and students. The new additions will also allow for exciting sponsorship opportunities at many AHS events. 

The new scoreboards will be funded 100% through sponsorships. The “anchor sponsors” made the initial purchase possible. Future sponsors will  provide an annual revenue stream for the Activities Department. 

If you are interested in becoming as sponsor contact Activities Director Ryan Mangan at:

Thanks Again to Anchor Sponsors:

Orthopaedic Associates of Wisconsin 

GFL Environmental 

Town Bank

Lake Country Chiefs & Arrowhead Basketball Club

UPDATE! - The indoor scoreboards are being installed and should be ready for use with our indoor winter sports season.  The outdoor boards faced some installation challenges and adjustments and should be fully installed in early October!


Hawkfest is Friday October 6, 2023 4-8:00 pm. We are bringing back Halloween to Hawkfest this fall. Here are some highlights for you:

Trunk or Treat: Decorated vehicles giving out candy to trick or treaters (with Hawkfest wristband or $3.00 donation)  Encourage kids to dress up in costumes and do some trick or treating and see the decorated cars/trucks. It runs from 4-7:00 pm

Entertainment Stage: Over 15 entertainers performing on stage including talented students from Arrowhead and the Lake Country area with a DJ host playing the finest halloween music

Food and Beverages

Attractions: Over 15 inflatables and activities including face painting, tattoos, rocking climbing wall, and you can even win a goldfish!  

Contests:  Pumpkin Decorating Contest.  Come and see over 150 decorated pumpkins that will be donated after Hawkfest to the local nursing homes in the area.  In addition, a halloween costume contest will be held so dress up!

Charities:  Proceeds from the event will go towards Muscular Dystrophy Association Summer Camp and local families in need

Athletics Updates

Fall Sports off to a good start. Tennis and Golf are already finishing their conference events and getting ready for the WIAA tournament at the end of the month.

Boys & Girls Cross Country- all levels attending the Midwest Invite at Blackhawk Golf Course in Janesville on 9/23 @ 9am. 

Field Hockey - Varsity vs DSHA at Uihlein Complex on 9/20 at 4:15pm.

                        VR vs University Lake School on 9/22 at Arrowhead HS in the Stadium at 6pm.

Football- Varsity vs Mukwonago at Mukwonago on 9/22 at 7pm.

Girls Golf- JV (8:45am) and V (8:30am) Conference Meet at Broadlands Golf Course on 9/20.

Boys Soccer- JV (4:30pm) and V (6:30pm) vs Catholic Memorial at Arrowhead HS on 9/19. 

                     JV/V Quad at Arrowhead HS on 9/22(4:30 pm start)  & 9/23 (9am start).

Girls Swim- Dive at Racine Unified Aquatic Center on 9/23 at 9:30am.

                   Conference Dual vs KM/North at Waukesha North on 9/28 at 6pm.

Girls Tennis- Classic 8 Championship at the Woyahn Complex on 9/23 at 8am.

Boys Volleyball- JV and JV2 Quad at Arrowhead High School on 9/18 at 5pm.

                          Varsity attending the Middleton Invite on 9/23 beginning at 9am.

Girls Volleyball- All levels hosting Oconomowoc beginning at 4pm on 9/19.

                          Varsity attending the West Bend East Invite on 9/22 (4pm) & 9/23 (9am).

Ticketing information, live stream links and team rosters can be found here:

Find all of the Arrowhead Activities on the school calendar:

Activities Office Contact Information

We're excited to welcome our student-athletes back for the 23-24 school year!  

Activities Director:  Ryan Mangan                                        262-369-3612  Ext 4203

AD Assistant:           Liz Arsnow            8:00am-4:30pm     262-369-3612 Ext 4202

Activities Asst.         Jill Bradley            7:00am-10:45am    262-369-3612 Ext 4213

Activities Asst.         Tina Groff            10:45am-4:00pm    262-369-3612 Ext 4213

Fax:  262-367-1870

School Year Hours: 7:00am-4:30pm

Linked HERE is information on all of our AHS Fall Sports and click HERE for information on all of our Clubs and HERE for our Fine Arts Programs! 

Parent Support & Info

Senior Pictures & Yearbook Inserts

Senior Pictures are due Friday, November 17, 2023. Click HERE for more information on how to submit your senior photo.   If you'd like to take out an ad for your senior in the yearbook, you can find more information HERE.

If you purchased a 2022-23 yearbook, you can pick up the spring insert at make up registration August 29th or at either campus office.

If you have any questions, please contact Jana Danay at


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope this message finds you and your family well and filled with anticipation for the upcoming academic year. As we prepare for another year at Arrowhead, we wanted to take a moment to emphasize the critical role of college and career ready reading skills in shaping your child's future. Arrowhead High School is committed to preparing students for their futures and the opportunities of tomorrow.  In alignment with our vision and mission, Arrowhead will focus on the goal of improving reading comprehension for all students over the next several school years.


In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, possessing strong reading skills is no longer a mere advantage; it has become an absolute necessity. Whether your child envisions pursuing higher education or entering the workforce directly after high school, their ability to comprehend, analyze, and communicate through reading will profoundly impact their success and opportunities in the future.


Here are some key reasons why focusing on college and career ready reading skills is of utmost importance:

College Admissions: Many colleges and universities place a significant emphasis on reading proficiency when evaluating applicants. A strong reading foundation will not only enhance your child's chances of gaining admission but also enable them to excel in their coursework and effectively engage with complex academic materials.

Career Preparedness: In today's job market, employers seek candidates who can quickly grasp written information, adapt to new challenges, and communicate effectively. Proficient readers are more likely to excel in job interviews, handle workplace documents, and keep abreast of industry trends.

Critical Thinking: Reading is a gateway to critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving skills. Students who can delve into texts with depth and insight are better equipped to confront challenges and make well-informed decisions in their personal and professional lives.

Lifelong Learning: Reading expands horizons and nurtures a thirst for knowledge. Cultivating a love for reading during high school lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning and self-improvement.

As a school, we are committed to equipping your child with the necessary tools to thrive in the future. To achieve this goal, we will focus on the following initiatives:

  We also understand that parents play a crucial role in nurturing your student’s reading abilities. Here are some ways you can actively support your child's journey to becoming college and career ready readers:

By collaborating as a cohesive team of educators, parents, and students, we can ensure that our young adults graduate from Arrowhead High School well-prepared to face the challenges and seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

Thank you for supporting this important goal and area of focus for our school.



Sue Casetta

Director of Learning 

We're Hiring!

The Arrowhead Union High School uses the Wisconsin Education Career Access Network (WECAN) website for advertising and accepting applications for job vacancies. We do not accept application materials by mail, email or fax (unless otherwise noted on the posting). All applications and materials must be submitted electronically through WECAN (unless otherwise noted in the posting). If you are selected for an interview, you will be contacted.



















Coaching Application

Volunteer Coaching Application Form

Employment Application


This summer, the Arrowhead School Board worked with administration to discuss the impact of cell phones and social media on learning. There is clear data and research that shows cell phones, when not used for instructional purposes, have a detrimental effect on learning. We also know the cultural significance, and the communication, social, and safety benefits that accompany access to cell phones.  After considerations ranging from a full ban of cell phones, to cell phone locking devices, a decision was made to re-communicate and strongly enforce our current policy which limits use in the classrooms, but still provides access to phones throughout the day for our students.  

As a school, we are asking for parent support in reinforcing the expectations that cell phones should not be a part of our classrooms and should be used appropriately during the provided times and locations

How you can help!

 Together, we hope to create a culture around phones that promotes appropriate use in school, minimzes the negative impact on learning, and in the end creates respectful and socially responsible graduates.   

Board Policy- 380

ARROWHEAD UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT SERIES 300 – INSTRUCTION SUBSECTION 380 – COMMUNICATIONS/DATA SYSTEMS B. Arrowhead – Terms and Conditions for Arrowhead Network and Personal Device Usage 

13. I will not have my phone, smart wearable, and/or other smart or Internet enabled personal devices out in a classroom unless the instructor has explicitly given me permission to do so. Phones and smart or Internet enabled devices should be in backpacks or lockers during class time. 

Student Handbook 

POSSESSION OF PERSONAL WIRELESS ELECTRONIC DEVICES Arrowhead Union High School recognizes the value of technology in fostering engaging, relevant and personalized learning. Therefore, the use of personally owned devices including laptops, Chromebooks, cellphones, and others are permitted to students. Because of the potential for increasing student learning, personally- owned laptops and Chromebooks will be used in the school. Students may have cellphones in school but should not have them out in classrooms unless students are given explicit permission by instructors. With teacher permission, these devices must be used for educational purposes only. Usage policies may vary from class to class, from teacher to teacher. 

Cell Phone / Social Media presentation to the AHS Board

Arrowhead High School

Non-Arrowhead High School Sponsored Event or Activity

Absence Exception Request

Linked here you will find the application forms to be completed by you and your child relating to a request to exempt absences when participating in non-Arrowhead High School sponsored events or activities. Due to the fact that many of these events/activities take place outside of Hartland as well as outside of Wisconsin, we have found that students who participate in these tend to miss a larger number of days than students who are participating in an event/activity sponsored by AHS.  

Parents may excuse their students who miss school for a non-Arrowhead Sponsored Event as long as they are within the 10 days of absence alloted by the State of Wisconsin. Once the 10 days are met, students are marked as unexcused. An exemption in the missed day(s) can be granted if the student qualifies based on the application form linked above and team decision. An exemption means the absence does not count towards those 10 days.  

Please click on the link above and review the information provided.  

DTC hiring flyer updated.docx

AHS Fundraising

AHS Programs Financial Support 

School funding is always a challenging world to navigate.  Each year, schools see a set of opportunities with costs associated with them that are unable to be funded by the current state funding and the AHS budget.  We often have families with the means to support such opportunities who have expressed that there isn't an avenue to be made aware or to donate directly to a need.   Each newsletter, we will list opportunities for our community to consider supporting.  There is never an expectation, only an appreciation for considering.

Current Considerations

The Warhawk Rise Program - We are still looking for a  committed benefactor who would like to support this great event!  A new program we are developing at AHS that will recognize any student who has improved their grade point average by .75 or better from one semester to the next.  (EX: from a 2.5 Fall semester to a 3.25 Spring semester)  This is a significant achievement by students who put in great efforts toward success that may not always receive the recognition they deserve.  The annual cost of this program runs about $4,000 each year and includes a semi-formal celebration brunch with their families invited and and gift bags recognizing their efforts.  Please contact Principal Adam Kurth at or North Counselor, Kelly Matthias at to support.  

Arrowhead Scholarship Fund - This amazing program provides an incredible amount of scholarships each year thanks to the generosity of our community.  Families and companies have the ability to provide direction as to how their scholarship would be decided and awarded.  Please see the ASF Donor Webpage for more information!

AHS Tennis Courts Fundraiser  Please consider supporting our tennis efforts to update and upgrade our AHS tennis courts!

AHS Pool Fundraiser - (Coming Soon!)

A little trivia to reward those who actually make it to the end of our Newsletter Novel!

The first three to answer all three correct can select a piece of our exclusive Arrowhead Staff spiritwear! 

UPDATE - Three winners have completed the form.  Stay tuned for next month's challenge! Please fill out this form!